Red Jacket Resort in North Conway to remain closed until end of month

May 6—Red Jacket Mountain View Resort in North Conway will remain fully closed through the end of the month as management comes up with a plan to reopen after a massive fire ripped through the building Saturday.

The management is working with key partners to determine a reopening timeline, according to a statement. Updates will be posted on the resort's website,

Company human resources officials have been in North Conway to work with employees individually and talk about next steps, including roles onsite throughout the recovery or positions at other New England properties.

"All employees will receive full compensation as we work with them on their individualized transition plan," according to the statement, which also noted that a number of local businesses have offered temporary positions.

The fire, which began about 2:45 p.m. Saturday, destroyed the south wing of the hotel, a section built in the 1970s that did not have sprinklers.

State Fire Marshal Sean Toomey said the investigation is expected to last weeks and mostly rely on witness statements and information gathered from the fire system.

"We continue to be deeply moved by the outpouring of support from the local community, and for the first responders and fellow colleagues who reacted so fast to ensure the most valuable part of our property — the people — made it out safely," the resort said in the statement.
