The Red Wall stiffens its sinews and is ready to embrace a no-deal Brexit

Grimsby Docks, a former home to UK Fishing. Lobster Man Darren Kenyon of Fastline Shellfish, runs two boats out of Grimsby Docks. Grimsby 10th December 2020 - David Rose for the Telegraph
Grimsby Docks, a former home to UK Fishing. Lobster Man Darren Kenyon of Fastline Shellfish, runs two boats out of Grimsby Docks. Grimsby 10th December 2020 - David Rose for the Telegraph

A lifetime on Grimsby’s docks has taught fisherman Darren Kenyon that nothing lasts forever. When he first started here 40 years ago at the age of 13, hundreds of trawler crews jostled for space.

Now looking out across the water he estimates there are just 10 vessels remaining from what was once one of the finest fishing fleets in the world. And due to EU quotas strangling their trade, these days they are all fishing for shellfish.

One year ago today Kenyon – like so many in Grimsby and across the so-called Red Wall – voted for the Conservatives for the first time due to Boris’s promise to ‘Get Brexit Done’. In the final days of the election campaign Mr Johnson came to Grimsby's port, donning a white coat at the fish market and waving around a cod to the cameras.

Grimsby Docks, a former home to UK Fishing. Lobster Man Darren Kenyon of Fastline Shellfish, runs two boats out of Grimsby Docks. Grimsby 10th December 2020 - David Rose for the Telegraph
Grimsby Docks, a former home to UK Fishing. Lobster Man Darren Kenyon of Fastline Shellfish, runs two boats out of Grimsby Docks. Grimsby 10th December 2020 - David Rose for the Telegraph

Now as the Government remains locked in the final stages of negotiations with the European Union, with fish one of the key outstanding areas left, Kenyon urges the Prime Minister not to sacrifice Grimsby in pursuit of a trade deal.

“If we don’t get any more fish, Boris will lose every vote in Grimsby,” he says.

Grimsby Docks -  David Rose for the Telegraph
Grimsby Docks - David Rose for the Telegraph

A staunch Labour seat since the 1930s, the Conservatives swept to a 7,300 majority here under local candidate and daughter of a police officer, Lia Nici. Voters here say they were swayed by three things: Brexit, the promised “levelling up” agenda to address chronic under-investment in the regions, and a sentiment best summarised as ABC – Anyone But Corbyn.

On Brexit, the 51-year-old MP Lia Nici is bullish over the impending prospect of not securing a deal and many of her constituents agree. The threat of increased tariffs, a sinking pound and European travel restrictions are dwarfed by the intoxicating prospect of walking away.

As Kenyon puts it surveying the empty berths once occupied by fishing trawlers: “When you are on your arse the only way you can go is up."

Grimsby Docks - David Rose for the Telegraph
Grimsby Docks - David Rose for the Telegraph

It is not just Grimsby fisherman urging a policy of no-deal. One evening this week in Wakefield (another Labour seat to turn Tory last year) I came across two professional women in their 50s drinking takeaway coffee in the shadow of a Christmas tree set up in town.

Sarah Jane, 53, (who prefers not to give her real name) is an NHS manager working in the local clinical commissioning group. She voted Conservative last December but describes herself as a “floating voter”.

She is angry about HS2 but happy with the Government’s investment in the NHS and management of the pandemic overall. As for Brexit, she says, “I’m happy to leave on World Trade Organisation rules”.  If it works for other countries, she points out, then why not us?

Dehenna Davison, elected last year as MP for Bishop Auckland – the first Conservative ever to hold the seat since it was created in 1885 – detects a similar hardening of attitudes. Davison recounts a hustings she took part in during the run up to the election at Bishop Auckland town hall where she received a standing ovation after suggesting Britain could prosper after leaving without a deal.

“Even if we leave without a deal my constituents know their will to leave the EU was listened to,” she says.

Despite their relative inexperience the new Red Wall MPs have also formed a formidable parliamentary block and in recent months have proven themselves willing to vote against the Government.

Dehenna Davison voted against plans for the 10pm curfew and Grimsby MP Lia Nici (below) abstained on the recent opposition day motion to extend free school meals due to a pre-arranged meeting in her constituency. In a subsequent interview with the Grimsby Telegraph she indicated she would have voted in favour of the motion, and against the Government.

Lia Nici  - David Rose
Lia Nici - David Rose

There was also a sizeable rebellion among Red Wall MPs against the recent imposition of the new tiered system.

Brexit aside, the Conservatives know that in order to cement their new Red Wall power base they must demonstrate tangible progress in so-called 'left behind areas', creating jobs, improving infrastructure and regenerating high streets blighted by empty shops.

In Grimsby, Lia Nici points to £25 million that has already been secured from central Government to improve the town centre and is hoping for another £25 million by the end of the year.

There are also high expectations that Britain’s burgeoning offshore wind industry can spark a green revolution in Grimsby. The Prime Minister made investment in offshore wind a centrepiece of his £12 billion Green Industrial Revolution unveiled in October, and Grimsby is well positioned to take advantage.

Katharine York, chair of the Grimsby Renewables Partnership, says since the construction of the first wind farms here in 2007 the industry has grown to support around 1,000 skilled and well-paid jobs in Grimsby and the surrounding area and wealth is slowly starting to trickle through the town.

Kurt Christensen, 68, is a former fish auctioneer who has long championed the potential of offshore wind in Grimsby. So far, he is pleased with the progress and the hardline stance the Government is taking in the Brexit talks. He too would be happy with no deal. “If I was to hold anything against the Government it’s that they bothered talking to them in the first place,” he says.

He describes his ambition under the Conservatives as “jobs, jobs and more jobs” both in a revitalised fishing industry post-Brexit and in offshore wind.

Like many fellow new Tory voters he is sympathetic to the Government’s handling of the pandemic this year. “I think people have been too hard on the Government,” he says. “They have made a lot of errors but these are exceptional times.”

He takes me on a tour of Grimsby to demonstrate some of the new construction work occurring around town, concluding in its covered market. Here, jeweller Graham Thompson mans a stand with a wall of ticking clocks behind him.

The 65-year-old also voted Conservative last year, although warns they remain on borrowed time.

“People here feel loyal to Labour but not in the same way to the Conservatives,” he says. “If they don’t do what they promised then they will be out.”