Our Redeemer Lives: Mayor's Prayer Breakfast focuses on redemption and community

Sep. 9—A crisp morning brought several elected officials, business leaders, community members and pastors together Thursday for a time of prayer and reflection.

The annual Duncan Mayor's Prayer Breakfast took place Sept. 7, with opening remarks from Chamber President and CEO Chris Deal.

Deal recognized elected officials, the community, sponsors, as well as several others who helped put the event together.

Deal introduced Pastor Randy Southerland to lead attendees in the invocation.

Deal explained how the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast is designed after the National Day of Prayer hosted annually in Washington D.C.

"It is designed to be a time prayer for our city, state and nation, as well as a time of personal rededication to God and our country," he said.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Reagan Hicks opened the breakfast by singing the National Anthem.

Duncan Mayor Robert Armstrong greeted attendees with a call to the community for unity and prayer.

Armstrong talked about things he sees in the city from activity to renovation, and he ultimately talked about the importance of spending time in prayer with God as a priority.

Next, Leon Farris led the Prayer of Repentance.

After this prayer time, musical guests, Jacqueline Chavez and band, performed, "Holy Forever."

Then, Emerson Villagrana led a Prayer for This Generation and Schools.

As a Duncan Public Schools student, she said she is grateful for the support the school gives.

Succeeding Villagrana, Trevin Stevenson led a Prayer for Our Community.

After taking time to connect in prayer, Sandy Stewart shared her testimony about redemption.

She began by telling attendees about her how her redeemer lives and talking about how much she wanted to be a mom. She said after several years, hospital visits and other circumstances, her and her husband were blessed with not one, but two children.

Sandy Stewart said the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast was birthed from Russ Stewart and he had really wanted to be in attendance.

Due to being in the hospital Russ Stewart was not able to attend, but Sandy Stewart said this is his favorite event of the year.

She said they hosted the first Mayor's Prayer Breakfast with Former Mayor Gene Brown.

Although times get hard, Sandy Stewart said when she looks into the faces of her children she's reminded each day that her redeemer lives.

"Every tear, every sorrow, every pain, every heartache that I have endured," she said. "He has redeemed in my children."

Following the testimonial, Leslie Justus performed "My Redeemer Lives."

Rounding out the prayer breakfast, Pastor James McDowell shared the morning message. He focused on leadership and Paul's journey.

McDowell shared scripture from various chapters in Acts, landing in Acts 9.

Throughout his message, McDowell also referred to Romans 1:1, 2 Corinthians 11:23, 1 Corinthians 1:23, before ending with Acts 20:24.

In wrapping up the prayer breakfast, District Attorney Jason Hicks led the City Elder's Prayer.

Following the City Elder's Prayer, Jacqueline Chavez and Band performed "The Blessing" before the breakfast closed.