Redefining My Personal Style After Breast Cancer

Courtesy of Rachel Weber and Getty Images.

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This month marks one year since wrapping up 20 weeks of chemo and undergoing a double mastectomy. The five months of aggressive chemo treatment destroyed my breast cancer, but it also took my hair—an unfortunate part of the process. I'm happy to report that I'm still cancer-free and that feels really good. But one of the most difficult parts of the healing process has been redefining my personal style without the comfort blanket of my long hair. I still don't feel like my old self. I'm not sure if I ever will, and when I heard a few friends sharing their positive experiences about finding their best colors, I wanted to try it out.

Before cancer, I dressed mostly in black. It was effortless and being a working mom with two kids under age 4, I enjoyed the simplicity of what I considered a simple uniform. When I lost my hair, I lost a key component of my uniform. That loss coupled with the weight fluctuation that comes with cancer treatment has made me reconsider what feels and looks good on me. With my new short hair that's grown back dark and curly (it was previously loose, beachy waves that were highlighted blonde), I was finally ready to make a change.

"Many women who make appointments are postpartum or going through a big change in their life and feel lost," says Ally Van Iten of House of Colour Des Moines. The color analyst is quick to point out that she's not making anyone look different. "I'm making you look like you, but better."

Everyone knows how it feels when we're told 'that color looks amazing on you' or 'I love that color on you.' I'm helping you repeat that every time you get dressed, every day for the rest of your life.

—Ally Van Iten

The process of getting my color analysis took about two hours from start to finish. I kicked off the appointment with a makeup-free face. One of the humbling parts of the process is a sort of color-blocking experience where your hair is covered in a pure white cloth and your body is draped in another white cloth; only your face is exposed. Then, the color analysis begins. Van Iten spent more than an hour draping me in various colors (she's got 336 hues in her arsenal). At first, it was pretty difficult for me to see any sort of difference between how I looked from one color to the next, but gradually I started to understand what she meant when she would say one color looked in harmony with my skin tone, while other colors made my skin look sallow, diminished my chin line, or overpowered. The drapes reminded me of giant napkins that Van Iten expertly and strategically swapped out until she found my perfect colors. "I'm not changing anything about your features," she explained. "I'm just switching color to color."

House of Colour's color analysis is based on four seasons, as defined by color theorist Johannes Itten. "There are more than 10 million colors in the world," she shares. "We're giving you access to a quarter of those colors. Everyone knows how it feels when we're told 'that color looks amazing on you' or 'I love that color on you.' I'm helping you repeat that every time you get dressed, every day for the rest of your life."

As it turns out, I'm a summer. My best colors are blue, soft, smokey, and rose (and sadly black is not in my season). I left my color analysis with a booklet that outlined what colors look best on me and a wallet-size book with color swatches that takes the guesswork out of color matching. I took Van Iten's advice and started incorporating my colors gradually. I'd wear my perfect shade of musk pink lipstick on a video call for work and was told that I looked so happy. I swapped out my olive green shirt for a rose pink sweater and felt chipper. I was admittedly pretty skeptical about the color analysis process, but now that I've experienced it, I feel more confident about my reflection. My short hair is still a harsh reminder of the reality of the last year, but I'm taking baby steps to embrace my new normal.

After the color analysis, Van Iten recommends clients assess their existing wardrobe and see what works best for them. "When your closet is in your season, you'll have a cohesive look no matter how you match your accessories and your clothes." Here's where I started to incorporate my best colors into my everyday look.

Since the majority of our communication is nonverbal, Van Iten encourages clients to embrace that part of their personality. "You're constantly communicating to people whether you like it or not," Van Iten says. "I like to say you have control over that—you have control over the message you send to the world."

True Red Looks Good on Everyone: Waterside Relaxed UV Protection Short Sleeve

Designed as a swim shirt with quick-drying fabric, the relaxed fit is ideal for hot summer days (or when a hot flash strikes). "A true red looks good on everyone," Van Iten says.

Start Small with Hair Accessories: Knotted Headband

Small accessories around your face are an easy way to dabble in your best colors if you're hesitant to take the plunge. This knotted headband features some of my best colors--pale yellow with a range of pinks, blues, and greens.

Find Your Perfect Shade of Lipstick: Liquid Matte Lipstick

Until my color analysis, I couldn't understand why lipstick never looked quite right. (Spoiler alert: it wasn't in harmony with my skin's undertones.) Now that I know the dusty rose is my statement lip color, I feel so much more confident sporting a bolder lip.

Try a Bold Nail Polish Color: Gel Couture Nail Polish

Nail polish is a low commitment item that can be an incredibly effective tool in showcasing your best colors. Van Iten insists everyone can pull off a true red. This gel formula is no joke; my DIY manicures stay put for almost two weeks.

Invest in a Classic Leather Tote: Classic Structured Leather Tote

On my wishlist is this fabulous pebbled leather bag in stone/blush. The mushroom color is a showstopper; this bag a timeless piece that will always be in style. "When someone is wearing their colors from head-to-toe, you might not be able to figure out why they look so good," Van Iten says. "But it's because everything they're wearing is in harmony."

Use Art to Inspire Your Look: Acrylic on Canvas Fine Art

If you've got a favorite painting, consider that it probably has all the right tones. "Many watercolor paintings are actually in summer colors," Van Iten shares. "I recommend clients use art to inspire their wardrobe. If they pick three colors from the artwork, it's going to feel complete."

Look for Quality Wardrobe Staples: Serena 3/4 Sleeve Top

Once you've identified your best colors, you can spend less time shopping (and less time returning things that don't look quite right). Van Iten owns multiple items from Kettlewell and points out the site has an option to sort products by color season.

Reassess Your Jewelry Metals: Rose Gold Studs

I've always been a fan of yellow gold, so I was completely caught off guard when Van Iten told me that silver and rose gold are actually my best metals. These tiny studs are a sweet way to incorporate my best summery hues.