'Reefa' sneak peek: Israel police encounter

'Reefa' dramatizes a real-life story of how a case of police violence impacted an immigrant community.

Video Transcript


- Yo, she's definitely feeling you.

- What that photographer?

- Yeah.

- Nah man, she was way too old for me. You and that model chick though?

- Nah, man. She was-- she was stuck up. She was full of herself.

- Whatever. I saw you.

- Yeah, OK.

- Yo, did you see that [INAUDIBLE]?


- Yo.

- Hello.

- This is bullshit. This is bullshit. Hey, hey. This psycho over here tasered my friend. He's on the floor and he's not getting up.

- He's fine.

- We just came back from three tours in Afghanistan.

- Get in the car.

- You're gonna get somebody killed.

- In the car!

- You, OK?

- Yeah, I'm great.

- Now, I completely respect what you boys do over there for us. But you're in my city. And you're going to respect me. Got it?


- Let's just go home. Come on.