Relatives of MH17 victims staged a protest outside the Russian Embassy in The Hague

Today, relatives of the victims of the MH17 disaster re-positioned 298 empty chairs in front of the Russian embassy in The Hague - one for each victim.

Source: As "European Pravda" reports, this was stated by NOS.

Details: Since 2018, the MH17 Truth and Reconciliation Task Force, an association of relatives and for relatives, has organised a protest outside the embassy every year.


NOS photo

All 298 people on board died in the crash.

The protest is directed against the attitude of the Russian regime to the fatal event of 17 July 2014. A criminal investigation conducted by the JIT found that MH17 was shot down by a Russian Buk missile launcher from a field controlled by pro-Russian militants. The court also saw "overwhelming evidence" of this. However, Russia has always denied its involvement in the disaster.

The organisation protests against the refusal to acknowledge this involvement. "Even after eight years of investigation and a balanced criminal trial that lasted almost three years," the organisation said in a statement.

As it is known, on 17 November 2022, the District Court of The Hague sentenced Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinsky and Leonid Kharchenko to life imprisonment in absentia for their role in the downing of the Malaysian airliner MH17 over Donbas and ordered their arrest. The court ruled that they should pay more than 16 million euros in compensation to the relatives of the victims.

Meanwhile, the fourth defendant, Oleg Pulatov, was found innocent by the court, despite the fact that he was Girkin's deputy and gave instructions to the other defendants regarding the evacuation of the Buk system.

The Hague Court also recognized that Russia controlled the "DPR" during the downing of the MH17 airliner.

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