What is #ReleaseTheButtholeCut and why is it trending on Twitter?

Photo credit: Cats
Photo credit: Cats

From Cosmopolitan

This is one of those stories that really restores your faith in human kind. When people come together on Twitter to try and do good in the world. And by that I mean trying to get hold of the rumoured 'butthole cut' of the Cats movie.

It all started yesterday with a rumour on Twitter that a visual effects specialist had been hired in November "to remove CGI buttholes that had been inserted a few months before. Which means that, somewhere out there, there exists a butthole cut of Cats."

After what was widely described as a "traumatising" trailer, Cats was released in December 2019 to some of the most brutal reviews a film has ever seen, while Twitter went absolutely wild with joy over how terrible it all was.

The whole shambles brought people endless joy, and the cast seem to have embraced it all, with Judi Dench responding hilariously to her nomination for worst actress in Cats at the Razzies and James Corden and Rebel Wilson even taking the mick out of themselves in full Cats costumes on stage at this year's Oscars. And now, people are calling on the film's creators to release the infamous "butthole cut". This really is the gift that keeps on giving.

But just as we were constructing butthole-cut placards ready for the protest, an anonymous member of the Cats visual effects team released this statement in response to the butthole movement (sorry), "There were never shots of cats with butt holes. Or at least by design, None that I saw anyway. However, there were a dozen or so shots where the skin and fur sim [sic] was groomed or just folded in a way that really REALLY looked like very furry lady genitals and butthole by accident. The task (as typical with heavy cg shows) fell on 2D to paint out the offending articles where it was brought up and spotted. Daily reviews were constant awkward discussions of people plucking up the courage to point things like this out; 'does that like a fanny to you? [sic]"

So maybe the butthole cut was just a pipe dream? Either way, let's take a moment to enjoy the very best #ReleaseTheButtholeCut tweets...

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