Remember When: Banner county fair of the state!

Yes, the 2022 Fairfield County Fair has come and gone, but it will be the topic of conversation on the street and around dinner tables for several weeks. Last October on this page we looked back at the fair of 1921. Readers commented they really enjoyed looking back to learn about the fair’s “firsts” 100 years ago, as well as realizing what was still the same 100 years later. Let’s look back at the 1922 fair today.

An editorial appearing (6 Oct. 1922 Daily Eagle) stated: “When a man comes to the Lancaster fair and lays down his twenty-five cents admission that is the extent of his expenditure, with the Fairfield County Agricultural Society unless he wants to be sporty and go on the inside of the race ring and watch the horses go around. That costs him an extra quarter, but he can see just as well from this side of the fence and if he goes early, he may be able to secure a seat absolutely free in the grandstand.”

The four-day fair opened on Wednesday, October 11, 1922 in the midst of an all-day chilly drizzle, and continued through Saturday. Dark and gloomy as it might have been opening day, the fairgrounds had electricity for the first time: “Electrical Contractors Bierly and Young are wiring the Fair Grounds for electrical service, it having become more and more apparent each year that electricity was indispensable at the fair…” (4 Oct 1922 Daily Eagle).

Because people had taken to driving automobiles, they were prepared to park thousands on the grounds in 1922. The Daily Eagle stated: “…it is a sight to get on an elevation and look out over the sea of automobile tops. They have a system out there of parking that is as near perfect as it is possible to make it, and is so arranged that each car can leave the grounds at any time without interfering with any other” (6 Oct 1922). The Fairfield Co. Auto Club placed placards with red arrows on the streets leading to the fairgrounds so drivers could find the fair with the least possible congestion.

It must be remembered, however, that many fair visitors came by train. On Saturday alone it was reported trains from the south brought over 800 passengers, and on Friday and Saturday trains “hauled several thousand people from the north to the big fair, without a mishap” (16 Oct 1922 Daily Eagle). It is safe to say no one arrived by train in 2022.

For the first time ever “an up-to-date radio display is being made and everything in connection with a radio station is shown.” Paul Durant, a local radio expert, was in charge of the display in the floral hall. The receiving station received programs four times a day “for the special benefit of any and all fair visitors who care to enjoy them” (12 Oct 1922 Daily Eagle).

“The most remarkable feature of the Fairfield County Fair,” stated an ad in the Daily Eagle, was a talking Willys-Knight vehicle. Somehow in this marvelous demonstration it would answer all questions about its Silent Sleeve Valve mechanism “in clear and understandable language as rapidly as you ask them.”

Dahlias were the talk of the flower hall and the fair as they had become very popular in the past few years. Shott’s Hope Farm of dahlia gardens was awarded first premium and Dr. Lee Chapman of Health Farm just north of the city was awarded second premium. One woman visiting from California was quoted in the Daily Eagle saying: “We used to think California grew the finest dahlias in the world, but since I have seen these wonderful exhibits of all kinds of dahlias…I have changed my mind as these flowers excel the finest California dahlias.”

In 2022 the fair offered opportunities to “register to win” various items but not a Victrola. In 1922 Hattie Valentine won a portable victrola given away by Welton’s Music Co. The W. E. Joos & Co. shoe store offered during fair week a FREE admission ticket to fair with each $5 purchase. That would be a good idea for local merchants in 2023.

Total “Gate Receipts” for 1921 were $25,891.45, and for 1922 were $25,592.50. The Daily Eagle’s summary was that attendance was slightly less than 1921 and receipts were a few hundred dollars less…but it was a hummer just the same. Now as 100 years ago, it is still the banner county fair of the state!

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This article originally appeared on Lancaster Eagle-Gazette: Remember When: Banner county fair of the state!