Remember When: Ho! Ho! Ho! 100 Years Ago

Lancaster folks who could not cut down their own Christmas tree in December 1922 could purchase them in town. Wacker’s Grocery (Columbus & Mulberry) had trees  35 – 50 cents each. Keller’s Quality Shop (121 W. Main) advertised Northern grown trees ranging in size from small to large and from 50 cents to $4.00. Zink’s Grocery (157 W. Main) was offering “holly wreaths, mistletoe and fancy small table trees with stands.”

The Charles Wiseman department store shared the secret that Santa Claus
liked THE SMILE OF A CHILD most of everything in the world. (Daily Eagle 8 Dec. 1922)
The Charles Wiseman department store shared the secret that Santa Claus liked THE SMILE OF A CHILD most of everything in the world. (Daily Eagle 8 Dec. 1922)

Everyone, however, was aware of the danger of fires. “If [Christmas] trees are firmly erected, away from anything that may ignite them or their flimsy trimmings, and lighted by colored electric lamps instead of dangerous candles—if they must be illuminated—two of the principal causes of Christmas fires will be removed,” encouraged the Daily Eagle (19 Dec. 1922).  Also, “Santa should be persuaded not to bring toys requiring alcohol, gasoline or kerosene for their operation.”

Lancaster’s first community Christmas tree had been placed on the public square in 1920, and another was placed there in 1921. “No community tree was erected in the City Park this year to give gladness,” reported the Daily Eagle (26 Dec. 1922). The reason given was no one had come forward to pay for erecting and wiring a tree.

However, the headline of the Daily Eagle on Dec. 26, 1922 proclaimed:  “Greatest Christmas in Our History Elaborately Celebrated – Churches Give Splendid Programs.” Postmaster Courtright reported the Christmas mail rush at the Lancaster post office exceeded all previous records of both outgoing and incoming mail. When a train arrived on Dec. 22, it brought 107 bags of mail and was delayed an hour for it to be unloaded. It became necessary for staff to stop answering the phone, but they resolved not to allow Christmas mail to accumulate.

Sadly, there were families in need of clothing and gifts. Items were collected and stored in City Council Chambers until they were distributed by the Rotarians before Christmas. It was reported hundreds of dollars’ worth of clothing were distributed to children. Maywood Mission provided dinner to a total of 309 children and mothers, and distributed 51 food baskets. At the Boys’ Industrial School 2500 packages were received for the juveniles.

The Daily Eagle wished its customers in 1922 a merry, merry Xmas. (Daily Eagle 23 Dec. 1922).
The Daily Eagle wished its customers in 1922 a merry, merry Xmas. (Daily Eagle 23 Dec. 1922).

The Feast of Chanukah (Hanukkah) occurred in 1922 on Dec. 15th and was observed in Jewish homes and in the House of God for eight days thereafter. The Council of Jewish Women met that week and made 32 aprons for children at the Children’s Home as Christmas gifts.

Local newspapers were full of gift suggestions weeks before Christmas. The Hickle Co. ran an ad that listed items by floor--first floor, second floor, Infants’ Dept. and third floor. The Lancaster Decorating Co. suggested making gifts: “Make them and be happy – Give them and make happy.” They suggested a piece of pottery or a w i cker basket filled with hand painted weeds.

Several 1922 ads would not be seen today. One was a S. S. Kresge ad for “A dozen of the finest hair nets money can buy especially packed in a handsome red Christmas wallet, ornamented in gold.” An ad from McFee & Miller asked, “What is Christmas without handkerchiefs?” They were offered for ladies, gentlemen and children.

Remember bake sales? The ladies of St. Paul’s Church were holding an “Xmas Sale” on Saturday before Christmas at Davidson’s drug store. They were offering “All kinds of cakes, pies…animal cookies, springerle, fruit cake, and fine plum pudding. Variety of fine homemade candy. Dressed chickens, butter, eggs, salads, and cottage cheese” (18 Dec. 1922 Daily Eagle).

The Sunnysuds Washer was the most interesting gift advertised in 1922 for 
a mother, wife or sister -- and the ad suggested putting it under the tree! 
(Daily Eagle 8 Dec. 1922)
The Sunnysuds Washer was the most interesting gift advertised in 1922 for a mother, wife or sister -- and the ad suggested putting it under the tree! (Daily Eagle 8 Dec. 1922)

Two businesses of 1922 will be recognized by readers of 2022. Al Wendel, Jeweler, was located at 211 S. Broad St. His ad stated: “Jewelry expresses the spirit of Christmas. All women like jewelry, this is never truer than at Christmas time.” Wendel’s is at 164 W. Main today. Frank E. Smith, at 223 E. Main St. in 1922, advertised he was offering free calendars. “You may have one of our beautiful calendars by calling at our office or phone and we will reserve it for you. We will give them to children if they present a note with the parents signature.” The Frank E. Smith Funeral Home is distributing calendars in 2022 -- from 405 N. Columbus St.

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This article originally appeared on Lancaster Eagle-Gazette: Remember When: Ho! Ho! Ho! 100 Years Ago