Rep. Omar believes Trump should be impeached: Worst President

Minnesota Congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, joined Rachel Maddow on Monday where she addressed President Trump’s recent Twitter attacks and comments he made at the White House earlier in the day. “He is corrupt. He is the worst president we’ve had. He is inept and we are going to call him out for it.” Trump singled out Omar and three other 'progressive" Congress women-of-color, Representatives Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, suggesting they go back to the countries from which they came, despite the fact that three of them were born in the United States. At a press conference, Omar called for Trump's impeachment, proclaiming “Since the day that I was elected, I’ve said to people it is not if he will be impeached, but it is time for us to stop allowing this president to make a mockery out of our Constitution. It is time for us to impeach this president.” She expanded on her impeachment comments with Maddow later that night, “We are suggesting he committed high crimes and misdemeanors and it's about time we start the process and impeach this president.” While Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and many other politicians, including Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, took to Twitter to condemn the Trump’s racist tweets, Omar thinks that the president is using this bigoted rhetoric to divide and distract the country from larger issues, like “the constant human rights violations and the policies that are detrimental to our existence in this country and the harm that he is causing on a daily basis to our constitution” Despite Trump’s distractions, Omar is confident that the work her and her colleagues in Congress are doing will pave the way forward for the country, “It's time for us to make sure that the United States has a president they can be proud of, someone who understands the responsibility of a president and someone who carries it out.”