How can I report graffiti in Sacramento? What if it’s on my property? What the city says

Like other cities, Sacramento’s not immune to vandalism and graffiti.

A Reddit user recently wrote about spotting vandalism at a local park, asking how to report it or clean it up.

The city has various programs that can help.

How to report graffiti in public places in Sacramento

If you notice graffiti on any property, you should report it, according to the city’s Graffiti Abatement Program.

You can call the police department’s non-emergency line at 916-264-5471. You can also report graffiti found across the county by calling 311 or online at

How to get graffiti removed on private property

According to Sacramento County, vandalism on private property is the property owner’s responsibility.

Under the city of Sacramento’s anti-graffiti ordinance, property owners must remove graffiti no more than 10 days after they’ve been notified of it by the city’s head of neighborhood services.

If you find graffiti on your private property and it is within city limits, you can get free standardized paints to remove the vandalism.

You can get paint in a custom color that’s matched to your property, but only up to one gallon “on a one-time basis.”

The city will remove graffiti on private buildings when property owners do not comply, but those owners will be subject to a service fee and a devalued property title.

You can request paint materials by calling 916-808-2633 or emailing

Who removes graffiti on county property?

Graffiti on Sacramento County property, such as bridges, fences and overpasses, is typically handled by county maintenance crews, according to the county.

What’s the best way to get rid of graffiti?

If you are removing graffiti yourself, the city’s abatement program has a few tips on how to do so.

This includes identifying what materials — spray paint, grease pencils or felt-tip pens — that were used so you can choose the best removal method.

The city recommends using soap, water and a brush first and moving onto a removal product if that doesn’t work.

If the graffiti appears gang-related, the city advises you to work with another person and do the removal during early daylight hours.

You can also report that graffiti to the police, if you feel your safety is at risk.

If you’re unsure of whether you should remove or paint over any graffiti, you can call the city’s Code Compliance Division at 916-808-3951.

What should you do if you see vandals in action?

If you see someone committing vandalism, call the police department at 911 and have a complete description of the people and cars involved.

You should also take photos of the graffiti to provide to officials.

Do not approach the vandals, the city warned.

Is graffiti illegal? What are the penalties?

Under California law, vandalism is considered a misdemeanor crime if the damage is less than $400, according to Shouse Law.

Penalties include about one year in county jail and a fine of up to $1,000. You can pay up to $5,000 you were previously convicted of vandalism.

If damages cost $400 or more, it’s a felony. Those convicted can be subjected to county jail for up to a year or a fine up to $50,000, depending on how much the damage is.

Those convicted of vandalism can also be subject to probation requirements such as counseling, community service and having their driver’s license suspended for up to two years.

There are special rules regarding vandalizing places of worship, vandalism using caustic chemicals and vandalism on or near a highway or freeway.

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