Reporter’s reaction to seeing a herd of bison is priceless

We are being told about the need to practice social distancing with other humans, but here's a reminder to practice it with the animal kingdom.

Deion Broxton, a reporter with KTVM, the NBC affiliate in Butte, Montana, shared this clip of himself Wednesday in which he realizes a herd of bison were heading his way while doing a story at Yellowstone National Park.

"There was a herd of bison walking right toward me at @YellowstoneNPS today!" he captioned the video.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God," Broxton says in the clip as he looks off-camera with a nervous eye roll before he quickly walks away.

"Oh, no, I ain't messing with you," he says as he walks out of the frame. "Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. I'm not messing with you."

Broxton then posted a video of the bison he saw, once he was safely removed from them.

"Here's the video of the bison I shot once I got a safe distance away lol," he wrote.

The Twitterverse couldn't help but have some fun with the moment, poking fun at Broxton's eye roll.

"When I see someone cough in the grocery store," one person wrote along with a clip of the reporter, in reference to the coronavirus.

Another person was inspired to write poetry.

"Roses are red Violets are blue Oh my god oh noooo I’m not mess w u," the poem read.

Someone else chimed in to capture the scene — and Broxton's reaction — in all its glory.

"I made it a gif for you!" the person wrote.

"You are what America needed right now. God bless you, sir," another person commented, along with a GIF of Chris Evans as Captain America.

Broxton's reaction may have caused some chuckles, but it's a good reminder of the dangers posed by bison.

Last July, a 9-year-old girl was tossed in the air by one at Yellowstone. That same month, a 17-year-old was gored by a bison in North Dakota.

In August, Yellowstone officials had strong words when a man pet one of the animals.

“The individual who recently was captured on video touching a wild bison along a park boardwalk showed an incredible lack of judgment and common sense,” Yellowstone National Park Superintendent Cam Sholly said at the time. “Not only did he put himself and others at risk, he violated regulations designed to keep these animals wild. We expect better from our visitors.”

The park was also the site of a bison stampeding a car in August. A Utah woman was also attacked by one of the animals last September at Antelope Island State Park, just three months after her date during that excursion was gored in the same location.

The National Park Service tweeted a reminder Wednesday about the importance of not getting too close to wildlife.

"Social distancing means avoiding large gatherings and maintaining distance (6 ft) from others. While we're at it, remember to keep it at least 300 ft for larger wildlife," the park wrote.