Representatives of 55 countries are fighting against the Russian army on the side of Ukraine


The International Defence Legion of Ukraine includes representatives of 55 countries.

Source: Damien Magru, Legion Speaker, at a briefing in Kyiv on 13 June, Interfax-Ukraine quotes

Quote: "We have representatives of more than 50 countries and citizenships. When I last looked, there were 55 [countries and citizenships]. We have representatives of countries from all parts of the world, all continents, even as far as Brazil, South Korea, and Australia."

Details: According to Magru, the largest number of soldiers in the International Legion are US and British citizens, followed by Poland and Canada, the representatives of Baltic countries and the northern countries, including Finland.

Magra emphasised that the International Legion is part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, so it is funded by the Ukrainian army.

He clarified that all legionnaires receive the same salary as any other military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and therefore cannot be considered mercenaries.

He explained that according to international law, funding is the primary motivation of mercenaries and they should receive more money than the military personnel of the army they are fighting for.

Quote from Magru: "This applies to all expenses on accommodation, salaries of soldiers, weapons and ammunition. Additional funds are raised from private donors, primarily from the West, and we spend this money, which we fundraise for on different platforms through various intermediaries, exclusively on equipment for our fighters. This is not part of the standard military kit issued by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and has no funding through state channels of Ukraine. but it is needed on the battlefield.

Therefore, according to international law, by definition, we can’t be mercenaries. Moreover, we have all the documents in accordance with Ukrainian law, which prove that we are full employees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. "