Republican Thomas Galvin wins Maricopa County supervisor race

Maricopa County Supervisor Tom Galvin of Phoenix retained his seat Tuesday in a hotly contested race defined by the results of the 2020 election.

Results should continue to roll in over the course of the week as county election workers tally drop-off and provisional ballots, but Galvin carried the race by a wide margin.

The District 2 seat representing much of the East Valley was the only one on the Board of Supervisors up for grabs in Tuesday's election, but the race carried the potential to alter the Board of Supervisors' unified stance on election integrity.

"I'm grateful, and just honored," Galvin said as results came in Tuesday night. "It was an honor to be selected by the board back in December, but now getting affirmation from the voters of District 2 means a lot more, and it's very satisfying."

Galvin ran against three Republicans: Doug Little of Scottsdale, a former member of the Arizona Corporation Commission; Thayer Verschoor of Gilbert, a former state lawmaker who has echoed false allegations of widespread fraud in Arizona during the 2020 election; and Gail Golec of Scottsdale, a realtor who has spread election conspiracies and urged voters to replace county-provided, quick-dry pens at the polls on Tuesday.

“He ran a great campaign ... so I wouldn't say this is just about election issues," said Board Chairman Bill Gates. "But, the reality is, he's spoken very clearly and forcefully about the 2020 election and about how we run elections, and I got to tell you, it is very gratifying to see that it looks like the voters are going to elect him."

"I think it really does show that you can speak the truth about the 2020 election in a Republican primary and be successful," Gates said, adding that "it is very encouraging to see that support" ahead of his own race to keep his position in 2024.

Little and Golec were closest to Galvin, with Verschoor trailing behind in Wednesday's tally. Now, Galvin will serve until January 2025.

He said that his victory is a "tremendous validation" for the board.

"I wasn't there during much of the response to the 2020 election, but my three opponents tried to make it about that, and frankly, their platforms and their campaigns, from all three of them, was just based on lies, and what I did was I met with folks and I told the truth," Galvin said. "I hope other politicians in Arizona pay attention that you don't have to be afraid to tell the truth."

False election fraud allegations loom large over race

Even though allegations of widespread fraud during the 2020 election were dismissed in dozens of courtrooms in Arizona and around the country and a months-long ballot review in Maricopa County found no fraud, some elected officials and candidates for office continue to challenge and question the results of the presidential race.

Galvin was appointed to his position after former Supervisor Steve Chucri was caught on tape expressing unfounded suspicions of voter fraud and slamming his colleagues in the aftermath of the November 2020 election. Chucri later said he doesn't believe fraud changed the outcome of the election, apologized for his comments and resigned.

Galvin has said he believes the county's 2020 presidential election was fair, a position he says he "lost friends over."

His opponents disagree.

Little previously declined to answer The Arizona Republic's questions on his campaign, but his campaign website states that he "saw the abuses of the election system in 2020 in many states, including Arizona." He supported voter identification requirements for every ballot cast and a review of current election procedures.

Golec also previously declined to answer The Republic's questions on her campaign, but is active on social media and consistently amplified false allegations of voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election. She has repeated unfounded claims that the election was stolen.

Four Republicans were vying for the District 2 Board of Supervisors seat in Maricopa County.
Four Republicans were vying for the District 2 Board of Supervisors seat in Maricopa County.

On Tuesday, Golec told followers on Twitter to substitute county-provided pens at the polls and use blue ink ones. The county-provided pens, she said, "can insert votes that appear like a felt tip pens."

The Maricopa County Attorney's Office released a cease-and-desist letter later in the day ordering Golec to stop urging voters to replace the pens and immediately retract her social media posts.

"As you well know, theft of any sort is unlawful," Deputy County Attorney Joseph La Rue said in the letter, which was emailed to Golec after 11 a.m.

"Moreover encouraging theft of the fast-drying ink pens specifically recommended for election day voting is a deliberate attempt to interfere with election administration," he wrote.

Verschoor said election integrity is one of the primary reasons he ran for office and that he believes former President Donald Trump is the rightful president of the United States. He said he wants ballot drop boxes to be supervised, a hand count of ballots within 24 hours of an election and to eliminate mail-in voting, except in limited situations to address health issues and absences.

Candidates' platforms cover an array of other issues

Outside of election integrity, all of the candidates list supporting police and public safety as one of their main priorities.

Golec, Galvin and Little also focus on the importance of reliable water supply, and Little and Galvin both mention economic development in their platforms, pledging to create jobs and reduce taxes.

The rest of Galvin's campaign focuses on issues like inflation, transportation funding and improving Highway 60.

Golec, Little and Verschoor include protecting gun rights and limiting school instruction about race in their platforms, although it's unclear how they would have significant power to make changes in those areas as a county supervisor.

Verschoor and Golec maintain anti-mask and anti-vaccination stances throughout their campaigns, and both pledge to vote against any future mandates.

Verschoor, who served in the U.S. Army, also has platform points supporting benefits and services for veterans.

Reach reporter Sasha Hupka at Follow her on Twitter: @SashaHupka.

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Maricopa County supervisor election results: Thomas Galvin wins