Republican lawmakers have waited too long to expand Medicaid in NC. Now, it’s urgent.

Expand Medicaid

Regarding “Medicaid expansion comes knocking again in NC. This time it’s a better deal.,” (Feb. 28 Editorial):

It boggles the mind why Republican lawmakers have for seven years denied healthcare in the form of Medicaid to those who are less fortunate.

The worldwide pandemic has taken a toll on the lives and livelihoods of many in North Carolina. If there ever was an emergency it is now!

President Biden added 15% more to help with expansion of Medicaid, which certainly sweetens the pot for N.C. legislators to act now.

Thousands of residents without healthcare in the middle of a pandemic is unconscionable. North Carolina lawmakers should do the right thing and expand Medicaid.

Lucy Grasty, Charlotte

Future inflation

The editorial on Medicaid expansion argued that, based on the record since 2014, “Republican concerns about the federal government reneging on its commitment to pay 90 percent are unfounded.”

That assumes the federal government’s ability to borrow huge sums of money at low interest rates, and print additional large sums through “quantitative easing,” all without triggering crippling rates of inflation, will continue indefinitely into the future.

The experience of many countries over the past century is clear: Governments that excessively borrow and print money to provide services and income supplements ultimately impoverish their people through inflation and weak currencies.

Ralph Levering, Davidson

Trump’s GOP

Donald Trump is very smart to not start another party when the vast majority of attendees at CPAC approve of the job he did as president.

The Mitt Romney types just don’t cut it with the base anymore. A terrific lineup in 2024 would be Trump for president and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem for vice president.

Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy need to round up all of the RINOs and start their own new party. Perhaps they could call it the “Democrat Lite Party.”

Jim Cherry, Charlotte

Golden Trump

The ironic symbolism of the golden statue of Trump at CPAC is hard to ignore.

Like the children of Israel did in Exodus, the members of the conference have been fooled into bowing down to a false idol filling them with self-serving lies about the election he lost rather than discussing a return to conservative Republican ideals.

If reports that the statue was fashioned in Mexico are true, that makes it all the more amusing.

Vincent Keipper, Concord

Dems’ task

Now that the Republican Party has fully linked its future to Trumpism, the Democrats need to cite their arguments regarding legislation and look for bipartisanship, but not obsess over it.

Trump supporters have made it clear they have no desire to work with the Biden administration and will obstruct all Democratic proposals.

Now that the Republican Party has embraced treasonous radicals as its standard bearers and excommunicated traditional Republicans and nonaffilliated voters, the Democrats — through their proposed legislation — must drive into the public conscience what the Republican Party actually stands for.

John Michalski, Gastonia

False claims?

The headline on Monday’s Madison Cawthorn article said, “How false claims helped propel NC Republican’s career.” Wouldn’t that be “lies”? Why dress it up?

David Bennett, Huntersville

Gov. Cuomo

Regarding “2nd former aide accuses Cuomo of sexual harassment,” (Feb. 27) and related articles:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s alleged acts of sexual misconduct are the result of believing in the false ethic that holding a high ranking position exempts you from the rules and entitles you to do anything without punishment.

The misdeeds he is accused of are unacceptable and possibly criminal, and would result in his dismissal if he were employed in the private sector.

It goes without saying that he is unfit to hold office and that he needs to be removed as governor.

Stephen V. Gilmore, Charlotte