Republican strategist to his party: Consider some gun laws and condemn white nationalism

Only those with the hardest or darkest of hearts look at tragedies like the weekend shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, and pivot immediately to scoring political points. The rush to condemn any politician for the El Paso shooter’s white nationalist views or the Dayton shooter’s apparent affinity for Elizabeth Warren is not just wrong, but also is detrimental to the efforts of those in public life who might want to do something about gun violence.

We must also resist the urge — as political actors — to savage any person trying to move the nation toward healing and solutions. No sooner than President Donald Trump had concluded his remarks on Monday — in which he clearly condemned white nationalism, hate and violence — did several Democratic candidates for president issue a stream of profane, vitriolic invectives that, especially for those still serving in Congress, likely render their voices useless in a constructive policymaking process.

Nor can we wait this out. Many conservatives fear opening the Pandora’s box of putting this issue up for a debate on the floor of the House or Senate. The excuse is that no law can legislate the crazies and the truly evil out of existence. They are right, of course. And it is also true that some of the proposed laws would not have prevented any of the mass shootings that have befallen America.

Red flag, background check laws

But that’s no excuse for people of goodwill to simply throw up their hands in disgust and say there’s nothing we can do. There likely isn’t a law that can a) pass the Congress that would b) stop all mass shootings. Even so, some laws would signal to the American people that we take this problem seriously.

Republicans in Congress should consider the following ideas as soon as possible:

"Red-flag" law. As the president stated, and if properly drafted, these laws allow everyday citizens in positions of responsibility to report people who might be a danger to themselves and others. Those being reported should get due process, but temporary placement on a no-buy list is a reasonable sacrifice if it means stopping people whose history suggested huge red flags that would have put them at the top of any no-buy registry. Fellow conservative writer David French has a terrific write-up on red-flag laws at National Review.

Ex-Republican on Dayton, El Paso tragedies: Guns should be much harder to get

Universal background checks. The time has come for the Senate to open a process to consider the various background check proposals of recent years. Whether that’s the 2013 Manchin-Toomey bill or some other vehicle, the American people — and a vast majority of gun owners — find it imminently reasonable that one would undergo a background check no matter where and how they were purchasing a gun. Most Americans think we should prevent criminals and mental health patients from buying guns, and anything to cut down on human error in the system would be welcome.

El Paso Strong logo on buttons at Proper Printshop in El Paso, Texas, on Aug. 5, 2019.
El Paso Strong logo on buttons at Proper Printshop in El Paso, Texas, on Aug. 5, 2019.

Policymakers need to be clear that some recent mass shootings would not have been prevented by universal background checks, that sometimes people who exhibit few if any red flags buy guns and commit murder. But, again, that’s no excuse for not constructing a system that could, in theory, offer the possibility of future prevention.

Condemn El Paso manifesto language

Ban high-capacity magazines and drums. I spoke to a retired FBI agent about his advice to policymakers on these matters. James Gagliano, a fellow CNN contributor whom I have come to trust implicitly on these issues because of the breadth of his experience and scholarship on them, said banning high-capacity drums like the one used by the Dayton shooter is “low hanging fruit.” This would not eliminate all the high-capacity magazines already in circulation, but it would send a signal that, as Americans, we are not comfortable with people walking around with the ability to unload 100 bullets in a matter of seconds. We already ban automatic weapons for that very reason. Gagliano compared it to the bump stock issue, which arose after the mass shooting in Las Vegas, and said “absolutely” Congress should do it.

Pass a resolution unequivocally condemning white nationalism, racism and violence. There’s no reason a resolution condemning the language in the El Paso shooter’s manifesto and anyone who uses political ideology as an excuse to murder his fellow citizens cannot be drafted and achieve a 100-0 vote in the U.S. Senate. There should be no squabbling on this. It would be of great comfort to the American people to see both parties in lockstep on this message.

I wrote after the high school massacre in Parkland, Florida, that most Americans don’t want overreach on this issue but rather commonsense, politically palatable solutions attempting to get at the heart of the problem. Most people understand that there is no cure-all, and most people understand that our culture is sick and won’t be saved by politicians in Washington, D.C. None of these proposals in any way erodes our Second Amendment, which, along with every enshrined right, must be preserved as we grapple with modern problems.

Bipartisan progress on guns is possible

But there is a template to achieve progress. Both parties — and activists on both sides of the gun issue — came together under the leadership of President George W. Bush to create the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech shooting. That law was updated last year by a Republican-led Congress to fix the system that failed in the case of the Sutherland Springs, Texas, church shooting in 2017, when the Air Force missed six chances to submit information that would have alerted law enforcement to the gunman's history of domestic violence.

Sin of omission: If foreign terrorists attacked Dayton, El Paso and Gilroy, would America do nothing?

Here’s the political reality: This nation won’t go for mass weapons confiscation, which is the natural outgrowth of the “ban assault weapons” demand of some liberal activists. On the other end of the spectrum, the American people will not accept doing nothing because our national psyche has been permanently scarred by these mass shootings.

Finding the sweet spot — aligning President Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — is the task at hand. Making sure the American people see our government working together, free of the damnable hyperpoliticization already going on in some quarters, is vital.

You cannot legislate the crazy and the evil out of humanity. But you damn sure can let the American people know that political leaders of goodwill exist in our polarized world and that they will set all of the scar tissue aside to reassure a nation asking itself: “What is wrong with us?”

Scott Jennings, a senior campaign strategist for former President George W. Bush, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and others, is a partner at RunSwitch Public Relations and a contributor to CNN and the Louisville Courier Journal, where this column first appeared. Follow him on Twitter: @ScottJenningsKY

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This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: My Republican Party should consider new gun laws after Dayton, El Paso