Republicans use twisted logic to deflect role of guns in killings: Letters

Republicans tie themselves in knots trying to deflect role of guns in killings

May 28 — To the Editor:

Some politicians may have painted themselves into a corner in responding to the two most recent mass shootings.

In order to deflect the role played by guns in the killings many elected officials and announced candidates — mostly Republicans, it would appear — have tried to shift the blame onto people "with mental health issues." Keep in mind that these are the same people who have been in full support of cutting taxes and federal and state budgets, which very often has resulted in a reduction or even loss of many mental health training and treatment programs. It is acknowledged by everyone responsible for residential and community supervision programs that government funding has been and continues to be totally inadequate to meet a growing need.

In placing the blame on the shooter as the sole cause of the death and destruction these same politicians have identified Payton Gendron's (the alleged Buffalo shooter) reliance on the so-called "replacement theory" as evidence of his mental instability. The problem with that, and perhaps a more accurate description than they intended, is that this same belief has been adopted or supported by a number of their own Republican colleagues: Reps. Paul Gosar of Texas, Elise Stefanik of New York, Matt Gaetz of Florida, with Tucker Carlson of Fox News being a leading spokesman. If this is evidence of Gendron's derangement — and I would say that it is — then logically it should apply to the politicians who also support the claim, who take the position that "immigrants" and people of color are somehow a threat to "the American way of Life."

Recent polls indicate that a very high percentage of Republicans agree with the replacement theory to one degree or another. Gendron may have been at one extreme, but the question is — where do we draw the line? Doesn't it make more sense that rather than pointing the finger at those who suffer some form of mental illness, we simply eliminate the means that allows a few to become mass murderers? A "crazy person" armed with a knife is a threat; that same person with an AR-15, as we have seen, is a killing machine, bringing death and destruction to whole communities.

The Republican leadership is correct in focusing on mental illness, even in the absence of any more killings, and they should be held accountable for the funds necessary to provide adequate identification and proper treatment. At the same time they should not be allowed to shift the blame. You cannot pull a trigger unless there is a trigger to pull.

Anthony McManus


National policies victimize our children

May 27 — To the Editor:

The recent school massacre in Texas is one more indication of how little the Republican Party values the BORN children. In fact, Texas just passed more loosening of restrictions on guns and 50 U.S. senators can’t bring themselves to even debate gun laws, let alone pass any legislation that might help alleviate the ever increasing mass shootings in this country.

Since they refused to extend the ban on assault rifles that expired in 2004, the country is now awash in 20 million assault rifles. That’s more than the armies in most countries possess. And of course there is the almost unlimited rounds of ammunition available. And after every mass shooting, gun sales increase. It is now a sacred cow for the Republican Party: "Fon’t touch our guns in any way! We are a party beholden to the NRA — they write our policies and support our campaigns."

To add to this total disregard for children, the United States is at the bottom of the list worldwide for childcare. We are the only wealthy country which does have national paid parental leave. And 25% of mothers return to work two weeks after giving birth.

50% of Americans live in “childcare deserts” — places without adequate child care.

Eleven million children live in poverty — children under 5 are the poorest of any age group.

Yet Republicans in Congress refused to extend the child care tax credit which reduced child poverty by 30%.

When are we as a nation going to care for our children? And I mean the ones already here, born, and needing child care, nutrition, education and love?

What will it take to come to our senses and quit this infantile “culture war” stuff and work to have a safe and loving country for this generation and the next?? Do we care?

We know what we need to do — now we need to have people in our state and federal governments who will do their job. Pass the child care tax credit and extend preschool care for all children. Ban assault weapons, strengthen background checks, limit ammo clips. This is just for starters.

Please help me fight for legislation to end this slaughter and for policies that will help our 11 million children already here. That would be pro-life indeed.

Linda Cunningham


Keeping republic depends on commitment to virtue and liberty

May 28 — To the Editor:

Has the republic failed the people, or have the people failed the republic?

In an account by James McHenry, a founding father and signer of the United States Constitution, that was written on Sept. 17, 1787, about an encounter between Benjamin Franklin and an anxious lady named Mrs. Powel, who accosted him outside Independence Hall, asked “What type of government have you delegates given us?” Franklin replied, “A republic, madam, if you can keep it.”

The arguments over the ratification of the Constitution between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists have been shrouded in anonymity, due mostly to the passage of time and the avarice of politicians and their associated political party. What is more, and certainly unfortunate, since the 1960s, society has placed other priorities ahead of the need to "keep the republic" and instead have dreamed of utopian ideals.

The consequences that came with the attraction to utopian ideals sought during the 20th and 21st centuries, has led to an increase in control and restrictions placed upon society by a stronger, more centralized, and out of reach federal government. With utopian ideals comes equality in the form of restraints and servitude, whereas in a republican form of government, equality is delivered in the form of liberty. Moreover, because each individual is born with different qualities, they cannot by nature be equal, and since they cannot be equal, a society based on equity, cannot exist. Therefore, utopian ideals are a fallacy.

The origins of the American form of republican democracy derive from the valued life experienced during the early days of the republic, when dedication to liberty, law, and custom, held by the merits of virtue, was embodied by the people. Hence, only when the people are committed to virtue and liberty, can the republic be kept.

David Hussey


This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Republicans use twisted logic on role of guns in killings: Letters