Rescue Dogs Enjoy Their Own Big Dance With Adorable Puppy Prom

Happy endings do exist.

Over 55 rescue pets gathered together at Casa Sol y Mar in the Del Mar Highlands Town Center in San Diego, California, to prove it.

These pooches put on their best fairy tale gear to attend Helen Woodward Animal Center‘s 7th Annual Puppy Prom. Each year, the animal rescue throws this adorable event to give shelter alumni a chance to celebrate finding a forever home with a big dance.

Along with raising awareness about the joy pet adoption brings to animals and humans alike, this highly-anticipated also gives former Helen Woodward residents a chance to reunite with their favorite volunteers and litter mates that were adopted out to different families.

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Helen Woodward Animal Center
Helen Woodward Animal Center
Helen Woodward Animal Center
Helen Woodward Animal Center

This fun, furry occasion also gets the full prom treatment. The event always has a theme, with this year’s being fairytales. Animal attendees are encouraged to dress in their best duds, and are treated to cheesy prom photos. The pets with the chicest prom finery are named the Puppy Prom King and Queen.

Helen Woodward Animal Center
Helen Woodward Animal Center
Helen Woodward Animal Center
Helen Woodward Animal Center

This year, a dog named Bindi, who opted for a “Queen Bee” ensemble, was given the title of Prom Queen, with a Cinderella dog named Suki serving as her Prom Princess. Prom King was Sir Ruffles Von Vicious with his King of Enchantment costume; Koko earned the title of Prom Prince.

Helen Woodward Animal Center
Helen Woodward Animal Center
Helen Woodward Animal Center
Helen Woodward Animal Center

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Of course, the Puppy Prom wasn’t just about adopted pets. There were plenty of adoptable “wallflowers,” hoping to win the heart of a special someone, also in attendance.

Chances are the special day was cuter and cuddlier than the high school prom you remember.