Rescuers Fly Red Wolf from N.C. to N.Y. to Help the Less than 20 Red Wolves Left in the Wild

Red wolf transport
Red wolf transport

Wolf Conservation Center

Pilots to the Rescue flew a precious passenger to her new home in September.

On Sept. 19, the nonprofit, which helps rescues and shelters transport at-risk animals to new homes, partnered with the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) in South Salem, New York, to transport a red wolf named Sage.

The Species Survival Plan in place for red wolves identified Sage, a captive red wolf previously residing in North Carolina, as an excellent potential breeding partner for the Wolf Conservation Center's male red wolf Jaques.

"Every year, all the participating SSP (Species Survival Plan) facilities get together at an annual meeting, typically in July. One of the major tasks at this meeting is to create breeding pairs for the following season with the goal of new pups supporting the captive and wild populations. We have a male at the WCC (M2152, 'Jacques') that is genetically valuable and needs to be paired to breed. F2061 'Sage' was identified as a good genetic match. So it was decided that she would be transferred from North Carolina to N.Y. to pair and breed with M2152," Rebecca Bose, a curator at the WCC, told PEOPLE about the need for Sage's move.

WCC is dedicated to conserving the world's wolf species; unfortunately, the red wolf is one of the species that need its help the most. According to the WCC, there are 10 known red wolves in the wild and an estimated 19 to 20 altogether.

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"She is a genetically valuable female. Their offspring will increase the captive population and possibly support the wild population. In addition, their offspring will also contribute to the genetic health of the captive population. There were 14 red wolves left on the planet. The current population stems from these 14 individuals. Breeding genetically valuable animals are vital to the health of the red wolf population," Bose said of why Sage's relocation to the WCC is essential.

To help make Sage's move more manageable, Pilots to the Rescue volunteered to fly Sage from North Carolina to New York.

"We love working with Pilots to the Rescue. They understand the needs of these animals and always make them a priority," Bose said about the partnership between the WCC and Pilots to the Rescue, adding that Pilots to the Rescue let her accompany Sage on the flight.

Bose monitored Sage throughout the trip and said the wolf did "beautifully" on the seamless flight.

Red wolf transport
Red wolf transport

Wolf Conservation Center

Sage is now safely inside the WCC, adjusting to her new surroundings before joining an enclosure with Jaques.

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"She is adjusting well to her new enclosure, mate, and surroundings. She is living off exhibit. For the first couple of weeks, she will remain separate from the male, sharing a common fence line so they can get to know each other. Soon the gates will be open, and they will be allowed to be with one another," Bose said.

To learn more about the Wolf Conservation Center and Pilots to the Rescue, visit the organizations' websites.