Research organization offers hurricane preparedness tips

May 6—With next week being designated Hurricane Preparedness Week, the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) is warning Albany residents that now is the time to prepare their home and prevent avoidable property damage in addition to refreshing the family safety plan.

The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety is an independent, nonprofit research organization that can recreate up to Category 3 hurricane conditions in their one-of-a-kind research facility to determine the steps homeowners need to take to prepare.

Seven ways to prepare your home for Hurricane Season:

1. Select a wind-rated garage door: High winds can push a garage door inward, allowing pressure to push up on the roof and surrounding walls and cause a cascade of damage to your entire home. Wind-rated garage doors have been tested to withstand these pressures and can help protect your home.

2. Resolve leaks: Existing leaks in your roof can worsen in severe weather.

Skylights: Install flashing around skylights to keep water from leaking into your home.

Chimneys: Remove and replace the flashing, including the ice and water barrier, around your chimney to ensure no water seeps into your home.

Flashing: Have leaky flashing removed and replaced.

Roof valleys: Remove and replace leaking valley metal on your roof.

3. Review your insurance policy and assess your risks: Review your insurance policy and store your insurance agent's contact information in your phone.

4. Trim your trees: Trees in your yard could pose a threat to your home during high winds. Remove branches that overhang the house and remove dead, dying or diseased trees.

5. Inspect your roof: A roof in need of repair is more vulnerable to high winds.

Unsealed shingles are vulnerable to wind and rain. Have your roof inspected to make sure it's ready to stand up to hurricane season. If you need a new roof due to age or previous damage, ask your roofer to install it to the fortified standard, which has shown in both real-world severe weather events and lab testing to be stronger in high winds.

6. Purchase hurricane shutters: Shutters can protect your windows and help keep out damaging winds. Find what's right for your home with the IBHS Opening Protection Guide. Plywood should only be used in place of shutters as a last-minute resort. Additionally, taping windows provides no protection and wastes time.

7. Get a whole — home generator: Purchase a whole — home generator to keep your power on, regardless of the weather.