RESULTS: Montana holds state primaries

2022 Montana State Primaries

Montana is holding primaries for its state legislature on Tuesday. Polls closed at 10 p.m. ET.


The races and the stakes:

Montana currently has 50 seats in its state Senate, but only half of them are up for election in 2022 — there are currently 31 sitting Republican state senators, 18 Democratic state senators, and one vacant seat. Thirteen incumbent state senators are not running for reelection due to term limits or because they're retiring.

Additionally, there are 100 seats in Montana's House of Representatives, each of which is up for election. The current makeup of the state house of representatives is 33 Democrats and 67 Republicans. Twenty-seven incumbent state representatives are also not running for reelection due to term limits, they're retiring, or because they're running for another office, according to Ballotpedia.

As for Montana's state supreme court, there are two openings as Justices Ingrid Gustafson and James Rice's terms come to a close. Both Gustafson and Rice are running for reelection — Gustafson has two challengers compared to Rice's one.

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