Retired Springfield police officers can rejoin force, but program only short-term solution

Springfield Police Department Lt. Curt Ringgold talks about his decision to return to the department after retiring earlier this year.
Springfield Police Department Lt. Curt Ringgold talks about his decision to return to the department after retiring earlier this year.

Clarification: This story has been updated to clarify a statement made by Police Chief Paul Williams that could have been interpreted to mean City Council had opposed a plan to rehire retired officers. Williams said he meant the department had not sought approval for the plan prior to the pandemic, not that support had been withheld.

Less than three months after he left the force following 25 years of service, Springfield Police Department Lt. Curt Ringgold is back in uniform.

“I feel like I’m young enough that I can continue to do the job at the level I was doing it at when I retired,” Ringgold said.

Ringgold, 48, who retired from the Springfield Police Department back in February, said it's not uncommon for retired police officers to start a second career once they max out their pension, which happens after 25 years.

“Retiring at 47, I knew I was going to have to have a second career,” he said. “I had to.”

But what is uncommon is for them to return to the department they just retired from, which is exactly what Ringgold is doing.

“It was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up,” Ringgold said. “I was probably going to work in law enforcement somewhere and I would have had to start all over at a new department.”

Coming back to the Springfield Police Department meant that he could keep his rank of lieutenant and that he didn’t have to do a lot training before hitting the streets again.

“Essentially they handed me my gun on day one and said 'Go do what you were doing before,'" he said.

Ringgold’s return to the Springfield Police Department in May of this year, is a part of the latest plan to combat staffing shortages that have been plaguing the department for the last two years. In 2021, after urging by Police Chief Paul Williams, the Springfield City Council approved an initiative that allows retired SPD officers to return to their old posts and become eligible for additional pension funds as well as benefits like health insurance.

Though this program promises to help benefit the community and keep around decades of institutional knowledge, Williams said it still comes with drawbacks — namely being that it is only a short-term solution.

More: Springfield Police Department makes changes to combat staffing shortage

Rehiring retirees, how it works

According to Williams, every police officer who is hired is eligible to collect a pension which grows every year they are on the force.

However, the amount an officer can earn from their pension stops growing after 25 years, and many officers elect to retire then and find a second career where they can earn a salary while also collecting their pension from the city.

“With the program I was on,” Ringgold said. “Your benefits max out after 25 years, meaning staying 26 doesn’t really get you anything”

After 25 years, officers usually leave to find a second job, taking all their skills and knowledge with them. With the police department being roughly 40 officers short of fully staffed, Williams was looking for solutions and thought of one that utilized recent retirees.

Williams said the reason the program wasn't implemented sooner was because the police department regularly received 400 applications a year from folks wanting to become officers.

“There was a steady stream of replacements, there was really no need, and we did not (seek) any support from city hall or City Council about trying to do this because it was like ‘We didn’t have a need to, let people leave, let them move on, we can fill their spot,’” Williams said. “However, in the last two years that’s ceased to be the case.”

(Editor's note: Chief Williams was interviewed by phone for this story. After publication, he clarified that, by saying the department "did not get any support" for the proposal, he meant that he had not sought City Council's approval at that time.)

According to Williams, the idea for the program, which he calls the "enhanced lateral program," was born after the department switched pension plans back in 2006. Those hired before the switch would continue to draw from the old pension program until they reached the maximum 25 years, while those hired after it began on the new pension program. Because of this, the police department can rehire pre-2006 retirees once they leave and allow them to pull from the newer pension program.

“One, it potentially fills some gaps, fills some vacancies with experienced officers,” Williams said. “And two, it retains some of those folks with vast amount of experience and knowledge who still wanted to work and still wanted to work here.”

Springfield Police Chief Paul Williams speaks at a candlelight vigil at the Victims Memorial Garden remembering Stacy McCall, Suzie Streeter, and Streeter's mother, Sherrill Levitt, who disappeared 30 year ago on June 7, 1992.
Springfield Police Chief Paul Williams speaks at a candlelight vigil at the Victims Memorial Garden remembering Stacy McCall, Suzie Streeter, and Streeter's mother, Sherrill Levitt, who disappeared 30 year ago on June 7, 1992.

The department worked for about two years to work out the details of the program and pass a legal review. Since it was approved in January of 2022, four officers who were retired have rejoined the force, including Ringgold.

Williams stressed that not every retired cop can come back to the force. To qualify, the former SPD officer must have worked for the department “at least two years out of the last five” and they do have to reapply, test and possibly go through the lateral training academy, which lasts six weeks and is required of all officers transferring in from other departments.

“If someone has retired within the last six months, they generally don’t have to go through the whole six weeks,” Williams said. “We adjust training based on level of experience, always have.”

But once they return, officers not only get to start earning new pension benefits, but they also get to collect their pension check as well as a paycheck.

These rehires have to stay with the department for five years before they can begin collecting their second pension, and the returning retirees can choose to come back as anything they are qualified for ⁠— whether at lieutenant, like Ringgold, or a patrol officer.

"I have a retired captain that retired and did not want to be a supervisor anymore, did not want to test for promotion, he wanted to come back as an officer and he’s now working the streets as a patrol officer," Williams said.

More: ‘It took us two years to dig this hole’: Springfield police struggle with staffing shortage

‘Not a long-term solution'

Though the program does offer some staffing relief for the department, Williams said that it is a short-term solution.

“The biggest drawback to me is that it's short-term, it's short-lived, it's not a long-term solution,” he said.

According to Williams, the program is really only appealing to officers who were still a part of the old pension plan when they retired, and the only reason they are allowed to come back and earn a second pension is because it is an entirely different program.

“The Police Fire Pension plan is a since-closed plan. There have been no new folks in that plan since 2006,” he said. “This is a unique situation."

Springfield Police Department Lt. Curt Ringgold talks about his decision to return to the department after retiring earlier this year.
Springfield Police Department Lt. Curt Ringgold talks about his decision to return to the department after retiring earlier this year.

Because of this, Williams said it only applies to a small group of officers and once they all leave for good, it will be done.

“As people retire out of that, the opportunity, the pool of applicants shrinks,” he said.

Williams added that he wished he had been able to start it sooner, as he has already lost some of the retirees who were interested in the program because they got other jobs.

“When I first wanted to start this about two years ago there were between 85 and 90 people that could have taken advantage, by the time I got it implemented that was down to 60, and that number decreases every month,” he said. “Over the next five or six years that number will dwindle to nothing, and this plan will go away.”

However, he is hoping that by the time all of the rehired retirees leave again, the force will be back up to where it needs to be, especially after two large academy classes and increased recruiting efforts.

Saving institutional knowledge

Despite being a short-term solution, the program does provide real benefits to the department and to the community, Williams said, because it keeps around good officers, like Ringgold.

Ringgold has had an illustrious career at the Springfield Police Department. He’s worked with Special Response Team (SWAT), worked undercover as a narcotics officer, been the crime scene coordinator, worked with the Violent Crimes Unit, overseen the downtown entertainment district as a sergeant and overseen the overnight shift as well as the Traffic Division as a lieutenant.

“I really enjoy working third shift,” Ringgold said. “A lot of younger officers are out here working, it’s a chance for me to continue molding those guys.”

Since his return, Ringgold is back working as the lieutenant on third shift.

“I couldn’t think of a better place than to come right back, no training, come right back and do something I love for a community I love,” he said.

Williams said getting to keep around officers like Ringgold is a real benefit not only to the department, but to the community.

“The biggest reason for all this is to benefit the community,” Williams said. “To try to fill gaps and provide the services that we always have, but also to retain that knowledge and experience from folks that have been here 20, 25 years that we’ve historically lost."

Springfield Police Department Lt. Curt Ringgold returned to the department after retiring earlier this year.
Springfield Police Department Lt. Curt Ringgold returned to the department after retiring earlier this year.

Ringgold said he will at least be with the Springfield Police Department until he turns 55, which is in seven years, adding that he may stay on the force until he’s 58 when both of his kids will be out of college.

After that though, he thinks he’ll be ready to retire ⁠— for good this time ⁠— and spend some time with his family.

“We’ve kind of been limited with my career field,” Ringgold said. “This will be a time for us to really travel, get back on the motorcycle and see the country.”

Jordan Meier covers public safety for the Springfield News-Leader. Contact her at, or on Twitter @Jordan_Meier644.

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: New program allows retired Springfield police officers to rejoin force