Reuters Science News Summary

Following is a summary of current science news briefs.

Czech lab grows mustard plants for Mars

Czech scientists have opened a lab to experiment growing food for environments with extreme conditions and lack of water, such as Mars. The "Marsonaut" experiment by scientist Jan Lukacevic, 29, and his team at the Prague University of Life Sciences is based on aeroponics - growing plants in the air, without soil, and limiting water use to a minimum.

Time for fungus? Indonesian watchmaker turns to mushroom leather

A watchmaker in Indonesia's Bandung city thinks the next step in sustainability is a wristwatch with a strap made out of the complex root structure of a mushroom. Mycelium leather, as the material is known, is fibrous and tough yet pliable and waterproof, and has been touted as an environmentally-friendly alternative to synthetic products or natural leather made from animal hide.