When do RI bridges close for wind, bad weather? What to know.

While current trackers for Hurricane Lee from the National Hurricane Center have the storm's projected path swinging away from Rhode Island, that does not mean that Rhode Island will escape without any impacts.

Even if Rhode Island is not hit by Hurricane Lee, the region could experience high winds on Friday night through Saturday, particularly along the coast, which can make for dangerous road and travel conditions.

When weather conditions meet a particular threshold, the Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority may limit traffic or close the bridges they maintain, with the help of the Rhode Island State Police. Here is a look at when Rhode Island bridges may close.

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What bridges in Rhode Island may close during a storm?

RIBTA has four bridges in Rhode Island:

  • The Claiborne Pell/Newport Bridge in Newport/Jamestown

  • The Jamestown Verrazzano Bridge in Jamestown

  • The Mt. Hope Bridge in Bristol

  • The Sakonnet River Bridge in Portsmouth/Tiverton

When will bridges close in Rhode Island because of weather?

Per the RITBA website, unusually high wind, snow and ice could cause restrictions or total closure of any or all of the above bridges.

  • Bridge closure or traffic holds: The wind threshold for closing a bridge is 70 mph, either as a sustained windspeed for 15 minutes or as persistent gusts over a 15 minute period.

Beyond closures, high winds may cause traffic restrictions on the bridges.

  • Wind warning: Wind warnings occur when sustained winds reach 30 mph for 15 minutes, or as persistent gusts over a 15 minute period

  • Level 1 wind restriction: Traffic restrictions on the bridges may start when sustained winds reach 50 mph for 15 minutes or there are 50 mph persistent gusts over a 15 minute period. High profile vehicles, like box trucks and tractor trailers, will be restricted from driving on the bridge

  • Level 2 wind restrictions: Only cars, trucks, flatbed trailers and commercial buses will be allowed on the bridges when sustained winds reach 60 mph over a 15 minute period, or there are persistent 60 mph wind gusts over a 15 minute period

Is Hurricane Lee going to hit Rhode Island?

While coastal Rhode Island is under a Tropical Storm Watch, Hurricane Lee is expected to pass well offshore of Rhode Island and Southern New England.

When will Rhode Island see impacts from Hurricane Lee?

According to the National Weather Service, Rhode Island, particularly coastal Rhode Island, may start feeling impacts from Hurricane Lee late Friday and through Saturday. Gusty winds, rain and high surf are expected.

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: Here's when RI bridges might close for high wind