Richard Wolfe: MAGA, Inc. not at your service

From a FOX News article published Sept. 23:

“Advisers” to the Disgraced and Discarded (and No Doubt Felonious) Former President [DADANDFFP, for convenience] “are launching a new Super PAC known as MAGA Inc. that is expected to spend heavily over the next six weeks to support Trump-endorsed candidates running in November’s midterm elections.”

The article continues:

“However, [the DADANDFFP] has transferred little of his fundraising to fellow Republicans running in the midterm elections or to committees or outside groups backing GOP candidates. That has led to grumbling from some Republicans that [the DADANDFFP] is hoarding his money at the expense of the party and its candidates that are underfunded in the midterms.”

Because that’s who he is — 100% self-absorbed. A hoarder and grifter. And he’s the undisputed leader of the Republican Party. His toadies just want in on the grift.

Richard Wolfe
Richard Wolfe

Virtually every incumbent or newly elected Republican will swear fealty to this treacherous man, even if they do so under their breath. Only a few, a wonderfully brave few, might possibly stand up and choose country over party. Only a few might respect their own conscience more than their idolatry of power.

But don’t hold your breath. Depending on the reporting source, between 250 and 400 election deniers are on ballots this year. Tellingly, but certainly not surprisingly, every single one of them are running under the Republican Party banner.

A recent survey of 19 candidates in the most competitive statewide races in the country revealed a stark contrast between Republican and Democratic candidates. While seven GOP nominees committed to accepting the outcomes in their contests, 12 either refused to commit or declined to respond. On the Democratic side, all 19 nominees surveyed said they would accept the outcome.

We’ve got a few of our own deniers in Michigan. In addition to Bill Huizenga (who signed onto the brief challenging the 2020 Electoral College vote and recently voted against reforming the Electoral Count Act), there are three truly odious Republican Party nominees vying for Michigan’s top statewide offices. All are election deniers, even if some chose to "dial it back" shortly after winning their primary.

More deniers can be found "down ballot" but the impacts of those vying, for example, for legislative body seats will be somewhat diluted. Mr. Huizenga is but one of 435 House representatives. His allegiances are clear, and they are not with his constituency, but he needs dozens of other like minds to cause real harm.

Statewide office holders are another matter. Their impact can be immediate ... and devastating.

Overall, deniers (not unlike the DADANDFFP) are poorly suited to and proudly disinterested in governing. Nevertheless, when deniers lose, they cause states, counties, precincts, cities and towns to spend huge amounts of money reacting to their tantrums. Recounts aren’t free.

Some deniers will prevail. None should, mind you, but simple statistical odds guarantee it. Those odds increase if votes are cast by party line. Deniers will be swept in, along with candidates of some, if debatable, quality.

Before Nov. 8 every voter needs to understand what their vote will mean if they vote Republican. It means contributing again, however seemingly insignificantly, to the violence visited upon our democracy since [the DADANDFFP] began preparing to gaslight the fact he’d lost the 2020 election.

From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

“Gaslight: to psychologically manipulate (a person) usually over an extended period of time so that the victim questions the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and experiences confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, and doubts concerning their own emotional or mental stability.”

Minions to [the DADANDFFP] are aping the methodology. Their hair tearing — about election integrity, immigrant hordes, economic catastrophe, etc. — is designed to make voters "question the validity of their own thoughts."

It’s cynical stuff, but it’s all they’ve got.

Final thought: West Michiganders’ collective votes matter more than the collective wealth of a couple of dozen local oligarchs. Thousands of dollars will buy TV ads and yard signs by the score, but thousands of actual votes put candidates in office and at your service.

At your service. Not at the service to some party or plutocrats.

Exercise your power. Vote on Nov. 8.

— Community Columnist Richard Wolfe is a resident of Park Township. Contact him at

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Richard Wolfe: MAGA, Inc. not at your service