Richer countries must do more to help in Ebola fight, says Rory Stewart

People waiting to receive their vaccination in the village of Mabalako, eastern DRC - AP
People waiting to receive their vaccination in the village of Mabalako, eastern DRC - AP

International development secretary Rory Stewart has urged countries such as France and Japan to “step up” and provide more funding to fight the Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Mr Stewart, who visited the country at the weekend touring a UK aid-funded clinic as well as seeing efforts to contain the disease at the border with Rwanda, said that other G7 countries must help meet the funding shortfall highlighted by the World Health Organization last month.

The WHO says it needed $98.4m for the period February to July but has received just $43.6m, leaving a funding shortfall of $54.8m.

The UK has been one of the most generous donors to the Ebola response, although the DRC ministry of health has asked donors not to disclose how much money they have given for fear of putting a “target on the head” of those fighting the disease on the ground.

Mr Stewart, who has said he will step down as international development secretary if Boris Johnson wins the Tory leadership contest, said the crisis required an “urgent response”

“We are essentially chasing Ebola – one of the world’s most deadly diseases – around an area overrun by armed groups. We are struggling to keep up with it.

“[The Department for International Development] has funded the development of a vaccine which is helping to contain this. But one of the major reasons I went to the G7 development ministers meeting in Paris last week was to get other countries, like France, Japan and others to step up and provide more funding,” he said.

He warned that the disease could spread beyond DRC’s borders to the “wider region and the wider world”.

“Diseases like Ebola have no respect for borders and are a threat to us all,” he said.

According to the latest figures from the DRC ministry of health there have been 2,408 cases of the disease and 1,625 deaths since the outbreak was first declared last August.

Mr Stewart also urged the WHO to declare the outbreak an international public health emergency as this would release more funding – a decision the organisation has pulled back from making three times since the outbreak was declared last August.

The last meeting of WHO’s emergency committee took place in June after a cluster of cases emerged in Uganda. The expert committee concluded that, despite the fact that the disease had spread across an international border and the outbreak was an extraordinary event, it still did not warrant the classification of international emergency.

Writing in the Lancet Johan Giesecke, a member of the emergency committee, said declaring an outbreak would serve “no clear benefit”.

This is the second worst Ebola outbreak in history and authorities have struggled to contain the disease in what is essentially a war zone, with hundreds of armed groups operating and high levels of mistrust and suspicion from local people.

The main weapon to control the spread of the disease has been a vaccine, which has been given to 150,000 people so far, including to health workers in countries neighbouring DRC.

As the outbreak nears its one-year anniversary some aid agencies are calling for a "reset" to the response, to enable a more locally-led response.

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