Richland reopens popular Bateman Island 3 months after scorching fall fire

Bateman Island has reopened after a scorching fire forced the city of Richland to bar visitors in September.

The city reports all hazards left from the fire have been removed and the island is “safe” to visit.

Bateman sits at the confluence of the Yakima and Columbia rivers and can be accessed by a rough causeway off Columbia Park Trail near Columbia Center Boulevard at the Richland Wye.

It is a popular spot for both human visitors and wildlife, including unique birds. It is owned by Corps of Engineers and managed by the city of Richland. It features walking paths, but minimal amenities.

The September fire burned roughly six acres on the southwestern tip of the 160-acre island in early September. No one was hurt but combating it was a challenge because of difficult access and dense foliage.

It was the second fire of the year for Bateman. Lightning sparked a 2.5-acre brush fire in early May.