Richmond sex offender gets 15 years for federal child porn conviction

RICHMOND, Ind. — A convicted child molester from Richmond who collected hundreds of thousands of images showing children — including babies and toddlers — being sexually abused has been sentenced to 15 years in federal prison.

David L. Julien, 65, had pleaded guilty, in U.S. District Court in Indianapolis, to receipt of child sexual abuse material.

His sentence was imposed by Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson, who also ruled that Julien would be on supervised release for five years after his release from prison, and also would be required to register with local authorities as a convicted sex offender.

According to a press release issued Friday by the U.S. Attorney's office in Indianapolis, Julien on Jan. 2, 2022 was preparing french fries and accidentally left hot grease on his stove, leading to a fire.

A deputy fire chief then found notebooks, on a dresser in Julien's home, that contained photos of child sexual abuse.

More: In a Richmond house fire, responders found images that led to a child pornography charge

The Richmond man conceded to Richmond police they would find "thousands and thousands and thousands" of similar images in his possession.

Investigators found eight more binders of the photos, and thousands of more images of child pornography on a dozen computer hard drives. One hard drive alone had 722,000 images and 29,000 videos depicting child sexual abuse.

“For years this defendant collected over a million depictions of children being subjected to horrific sexual abuses, including rapes of babies and toddlers,” U.S. Attorney Zachary Myers said in the release.

"He didn’t care about the trauma that was inflicted and perpetuated, so long as he could enjoy the heinous material he craved. Thanks to the Richmond fire and police departments, the U.S. Secret Service, and our federal prosecutors, our children are safer, and this pedophile is behind bars where he belongs."

Julien in 1995 was convicted of child molesting in Wayne Superior Court 2, drawing an 18-month sentence.

Douglas Walker is a news reporter at The Star Press. Contact him at 765-213-5851 or at

This article originally appeared on Muncie Star Press: Richmond molester gets 15 years in federal prison in child porn case