How to Get Rid of Knee Pain (Plus, 6 Common Causes)

How to Get Rid of Knee Pain (Plus, 6 Common Causes) Because the knee is the largest joint in the body, it can be prone to injury and overuse. Here are six common causes of knee pain plus how to treat each one. If you are suffering from overuse or tendonitis, rest and apply ice to your knee. Poor form when doing anything can cause injuries; treat these with stretching, ice, and rest. Meniscal injuries are very common and may need to be assessed by a doctor with an MRI. If you have stretched or sprained a ligament in your knee, follow the R.I.C.E. method (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) and use a brace to stabilize your knee. The best treatment for acute muscle pain would be cryotherapy initially, then moving toward heat and gentle stretching. The treatment of choice for arthritis is heat or contrast bath, aquatic therapy, and gentle range of motion exercises.