Riders get stuck spinning backward when amusement park ride malfunctions, videos show

Visitors to a New York amusement park became trapped, spinning backward over and over after a ride malfunctioned and wouldn’t stop, videos posted on social media show.

In the video, taken July 23 at Rye Playland, riders can be seen seated and moving in reverse at high speed while park staff look on in concern. Other visitors also gather around the ride, some recording with their phones, aware that something is going wrong.

“This is why you don’t get on these rides,” a voice is heard saying amid yells and screams from the riders.

The ride, called The Music Express, is intended to spin backward, WABC reported, but the problem is it wouldn’t stop, witnesses said, adding that the ride kept going three to four minutes longer than it should have.

Others said the riders were trapped for as long as 10 minutes, News12 reported.

The Music Express is a fast-paced circular ride traveling a track with numerous peaks and valleys,” the amusement park’s website said. “As the name suggests, loud music plays and lights flash wildly throughout the ride!”

The ride suffered an electrical malfunction, the park’s general manager, Jeff Davis, told WABC. The ride’s operator activated an emergency stop, but when it kept going, maintenance cut off power to the ride, bringing it to a stop, according to the station.

“Safety is our number one priority and as such, the Music Express ride is currently closed as we work closely with the manufacturer,” Davis told News12.

He said the park is also in contact with the ride’s manufacturer and they are working to address the problem, the station reported.

There were no reports of injuries.

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