Ring Fit Adventure review – Nintendo has upped its game since Wii Fit

Ring Fit Adventure relies on physical movement to do basic gaming moves like running and jumping - Nintendo
Ring Fit Adventure relies on physical movement to do basic gaming moves like running and jumping - Nintendo

Nintendo’s first foray into health-gaming, Wii Fit, was a pretty bold move. The wacky mini-game collection saw players standing on a big white balance board, twirling their hips to spin an imaginary hula hoop, or leaning left and right to slide down a mountainside as a giant penguin.

The game seemed a hard-sell, but Nintendo did it, off-loading a solid 43.8m units around the world (if you include the enhanced version launched on the Wii U) to make Wii Fit the eighth best selling video-game ever.

In the intervening years, however, healthy gaming has become a subgenre of its own, with countless examples of the gamification of health applications and the healthification of games coming to the fore.

Into this world, Nintendo has unveiled Ring Fit Adventure, a brand new health-based video-game concept with a quirky new peripheral: the Ring Con.

But here’s the news you might not have been expecting: not only is the game an absolute riot to play, it’s also better at getting you sweaty than Wii Fit ever was.

The most eye-catching thing about this whole package is definitely the new accessories. The first is a simple elasticated leg strap. Pop the left joy-con controller inside it and it’ll be able to track you as you jog on the spot.

The more interesting of the two is the Ring Con. This is simply a resistance ring, same as you might buy for a Pilates class. The only difference is that you can slide your other joy-con into the top. This means the game can pick up what you’re doing with the ring, which direction you’re pointing it in, and how hard you’re pulling and squeezing it. This becomes important when you start playing the game, but we’ll get to that momentarily.

Ring Fit Adventure Review - Credit: Nintendo
In order to run forward, players must jog on the spot Credit: Nintendo

Unlike Wii Fit, Ring Fit Adventure is not just a mini-game collection. There’s a full story to play through here and it’s… well it’s classic Nintendo. Which is to say: it’s absolutely barmy.

Within the first two minutes you release a buff, egotistical dragon who has been imprisoned. Dragaux is an obvious parody of the very worst of gym culture and he sets about releasing monsters and generally being a nuisance. Your job, along with Ring, a chirpy companion-cum-Dragaux-prison shaped like the Ring Con, is to hunt him down and recapture him.

Ring Fit Adventure is a simple, on-rails RPG albeit one which requires players to jog on the spot to make their character run. Squeezing the Ring Con sees your avatar shooting out a blast of air which can be used to shatter obstacles or, if you point the Ring Con at your feet, blast your character up into the air. It’s the simple video-game inputs you knew; run, jump, and attack; made into physical fitness.

In a few moments in each level, you run into monsters, and this is where the real exercise gets going. You see, the only way to defeat monsters is by doing exercise. Every squat you do, every yoga pose you hold, every squeeze of the Ring Con can be turned into an attack. And different monsters are weak to different attacks. Yoga poses might be good for dealing with green ones, but you’ll need to do some muscle work if you want the quickest way to beat a red monster.

Sensibly, Nintendo mixes up the order of monsters, so you’re not able to just get away with just doing easy yoga moves, nor do you get muscle fatigue from constant squats. As you play, you also unlock further exercises to take down enemies so you can pick exercises you prefer, or things you specifically want to work on.

The levels themselves get more complicated as you advance too and you’ll soon find that you work up quite a sweat. I’m not the most athletically-inclined individual and I could rarely manage more than two or three levels at a time without a break in between.

ring fit adventure review - Credit: Nintendo
Some sections of the game provide some variation on the standard jogging and jumping mechanics Credit: Nintendo

But the whole thing does seem to actually work. I’ve been playing every day religiously (Nintendo thoughtfully included an alarm feature, alerting me to play every 24 hours, even if the Switch was on silent) and I definitely feel stronger and fitter. My bathroom scales also have positive things to say for the game’s success, though I’ll have to keep playing for a while longer to be sure, I think.

The best thing, for me, is that none of it really feels like exercise. You’re moving, you’re getting sweaty, but with your mind focused on the game, it doesn’t feel quite so arduous as the same amount of time spent on the treadmill.

I also really appreciated the fact that there’s a mini-games menu outside of the main quest which offers a more Wii Fit-like experience, allowing you to hand the Ring Con to friends test your skills against them.

All this being said, I think it’s fair to say that Ring Fit Adventure won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. As an exercise aid for those who wouldn’t work out anyway, it’s solid and fun, but as a video-game it’s a decidedly light-weight experience. I can see some gamers getting a bit bored after a few weeks due to the on-rails nature of it all. Perhaps if Nintendo had elected to make Mario the star, the sheer charm of it would be enough to keep players going, but the blank main character and decidedly irritating Ring aren’t exactly the most memorable protagonists.

Even so, I’d say that as an exercise tool for lazy gamers like myself, Ring Fit Adventure is a definite step in the right direction.