When Guacamole Calls, Here's How to Ripen Avocados Fast

When Guacamole Calls, Here's How to Ripen Avocados Fast

If your friends and family laugh every time you volunteer to bring a covered dish, it's time to up your potluck game with some tried-and-true dishes that travel well in a cooler or slow cooker. And if you really want to get the party started, bring guacamole! But what to do if the only avocados you have on-hand are as hard as rocks?? We're here to share a few tricks for how to ripen avocados in a crunch.

Now, of course, the best way is to let avocados soften naturally on the countertop until they are still firm but give slightly with gentle pressure. But sometimes in life we need a shortcut, so here's what to do if you need to ripen avocados quickly, whether you have a couple days, a few hours, or 10 minutes. Plus, we tell you the pros and cons for each method.

Try these avocado-softening hacks, and get ready to add a plethora of avocado dishes to your arsenal that will be the favorite at the next family gathering!

How to ripen an avocado in 2 to 3 days: Use a paper bag.

Photo credit: t_kimura - Getty Images
Photo credit: t_kimura - Getty Images

What you need to know: While this ripening trick is not super fast, if you can wait 48 to 72 hours, you'll get the best result with this method. (And though we can't guarantee this trick will work overnight, it's worth a Hail Mary attempt if you're tight on time and hope to avoid using the oven or microwave the day of.)

How to do it: Start by placing hard avocados, along with an apple or banana, in a paper bag and seal it tightly. Make sure there are no holes or gaps in the bag, and check ripeness only once daily. Expect ripened avocados in 2 or 3 days.

Why it works: Ethylene gas. Avocados produce this gas, which helps them ripen. Apples and bananas emit this gas as well, so when hard avocados are paired with an apple or banana inside a paper bag, the ethylene becomes more concentrated, therefore yielding ripe avocados faster

Don't have fruit? Use flour! If you don’t have an apple or banana, try filling the bottom of the bag with 2 inches of flour. Place the avocado on top; tightly seal the bag. The flour absorbs excess moisture while helping trap the ethylene. This will take about 2 to 3 days, too.

How to ripen an avocado in a few hours: Use the oven!

What you need to know: The foil-oven method is best when you need an avocado quickly but not immediately. Be warned that the taste and texture of the avocado will be somewhat compromised.

How to do it: To get started, tightly wrap each avocado with aluminum foil, and place in a shallow ovenproof dish. Bake at 200°F, checking every 5 to 10 minutes, until the desired softness is achieved. Let cool, then unwrap the avocados and place them in the refrigerator. Let them sit for at least an hour (longer if they are super hard).

Why it works: Again, it's the ethylene gas, which is trapped by the foil. Wrap the foil close for maximum gas exposure.

Photo credit: THAI YUAN LIM / EYEEM - Getty Images
Photo credit: THAI YUAN LIM / EYEEM - Getty Images

How to ripen an avocado in 10 minutes: Use the microwave.

What you need to know: With this method, expect to sacrifice the avocado’s naturally buttery taste and silky texture. This method may cause a bit of a stink (seriously!); the microwave should only be used as a last resort.

How to do it: First, cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Wrap each half with microwave-safe plastic wrap, and cook for 30-second intervals on medium-high until desired softness is achieved. Check softness between each interval. Once cool enough to handle, unwrap the halves and place them in the refrigerator for about 6 minutes (allow an extra 2 to 3 minutes for very hard avocados).

Why it works: As with the paper bag and oven methods, it's the ethylene. When a firm avocado is wrapped in plastic, the plastic traps the gas close to the fruit, causing it to ripen faster.

Is it safe to eat an unripe avocado?

Yes, you can eat an unripe avocado, but if the velvety, buttery texture of an avocado is what you love, you'll be disappointed. However, a hard, unripe avocado is best for recipes that call for baking or cooking the avocado.

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