Want To Know The Secret To Waking Up Happy? Adopt These 5 Morning Rituals


[Image: Getty]

The idea of waking up early on a cold Monday morning, ahead of a strenuous working day, is enough to bring out the dark side in all of us.

We tend to think this is down to laziness, a bad night’s sleep or even a heavy weekend (you can’t fool us, we know it’s most likely the latter!)

Monday morning is the hardest day of the week, especially when you have to drag yourself from your oh-so warm and cosy bed.

Hours are spent clicking snooze every 9 minutes right up until the point where you’ve decided the use of dry shampoo will save you a good 10 minutes.

Who needs to iron that dress anyway? The creases are bound to fall out if you walk around long enough…we all do it.

Sadly there’s not a great deal we can do to keep our body clocks in sync - unless our weekend bedtime and wake-up time is the same as your regular work day, but let’s be completely honest, who does that?!

For the rest of us, we need a little more help in the mornings, and if you adopt these 5 habits on a regular basis, you will find you are much more like Lorraine Kelly in the morning, and much less Britney Spears Circa 2007…

1. Stretching


[Image: Flickr/Patchattack]

A very underrated way to wake you up instantly is a good stretch. I’m not talking 30 minutes of Bikram Yoga, a simple stretch of each limb whilst still in bed helps to wake the muscles and make physically getting up that little bit less painful.

2. Lemon Water


[Image: Flickr/Go_Nils]

It might not taste like a caramel chocolate milkshake, but the power of the lemon water first thing is undeniable.

It prepares your digestive system for the rest of the day and hydrates you after your 8 hours of lubricant-free sleep.

3. Coffee the way YOU like it


[Image: Flickr/Christopher Michael]

Many health sites will inform you of the detrimental effects of having coffee first thing in the morning. I however, as a non-health expert, am here to tell you to enjoy your favourite mocha-choca-frappe-chai-chino-latte.

We all know that warm fuzzy feeling we get when we sip our initial morning cuppa, embrace it!

4. Listen to Music


[Image: Pinterest]

From Justin Bieber to Pavarotti, listening to your choice of music in the morning can easily enhance your mood.

If you feel you don’t have the time, it’s worth investing in some good quality headphones so your commute can be one of your favourite times of the day!

5. Dress to Impress


[Image: Pinterest]

Fashion should be fun. Wake up and be excited to dress yourself Carrie Bradshaw style!

Even if you are lacking in the designer department, there’s nothing to say you can’t customize your every day clothes with some quirky jewelry and a slick of bright lipstick. Looking beautiful and fun will help you feel that way throughout the day.
