Rita's Reflections: The Hunter & His Missus (Part 2)

The title of my hunting column printed at the beginning of deer hunting season was misleading. I work on multiple columns at the same time. I name them something relevant to keep them straight. The “No more hunting for us” column — I titled “The Hunter & His Missus” where I wrote about a frightful caribou trip when Larry and I were out of touch with each other for days.

The hunting column was difficult for me to write. I worried how Larry would take it. After hearing his reaction, I needn’t have. He loved it! Larry said it was obvious I love having him around. My heart swelled when Larry said he feels lucky because some woman can’t wait for hunting season to arrive to get rid of their husbands.

Here is the kicker. Larry never stopped hunting and now has embraced duck hunting. We made a deal there would be no more hunting trips out of cellphone range which we both agreed was a fair compromise.

Larry and I make sacrifices in our marriage to maintain peace and harmony. We realize some couples are too self-centered to do that, and why the divorce rate is so high. Being apart from each other is painful for us. Others live separate lives together. That is not the kind of marriage we signed up for.

Larry laughed at Scotty’s comment insinuating I eviscerated him by sharing my thoughts about hunting. Larry knows I am an animal empath, and a bit of an animal whisperer. He understands that I feel physical discomfort seeing an animal hurt. Most cannot comprehend that or how my energy can heal and comfort an animal. Dealing with that physical and emotional burden is not something most people will ever understand. Thankfully, Larry does.

Recently I felt kinship reading about a young boy who killed a painted turtle forever changing his heart, much like shooting the carp changed mine. Thankfully, Larry understands that about me. Like I understand hunting is part of who he is.

Ellen comes from a family of avid hunters and pointed out hunting puts food on the table. Hunting is vital to the environment and the economy. We need hunters and they need affordable places to hunt. Many animals would suffer needlessly if not culled. It is just not in my genetic make-up to do the culling.

One gentleman insinuated my hunting column had political overtones. It didn’t but what if it did? Most strong feminists understand just opening our mouths we risk becoming political targets by insecure men. Women aren't always the weaker sex.

I am thankful for my right to own my 9 mm Sig Sauer, but I am not the only one that thinks parents need to step up for their kids and talk about sex and where babies and diseases come from as readily as they arm them with guns and ammo. Sexually transmitted diseases are no laughing matter, and unwanted children rarely laugh.

I support the organization PETA — People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. I also support the other PETA — People Eating Tasty Animals. I have often said, I could become a vegetarian, so long as I can eat beef and chicken whenever I want.

Hunting isn’t my thing just like riding motorcycles is not Larry’s thing. Do I wish Larry liked riding so we could enjoy it together? Absolutely. I also wish I had the genetic makings of a hunter. I know Larry would have enjoyed that.

Larry enjoys being in the woods just as much as the hunt. Together in the woods, we enjoy breathing in the phytoncides, the pheromone that makes people feel better. Some refer to it as forest bathing for its many health benefits. The best part is it works with or without clothing. Yeehaw!

Rita Wyatt Zorn is a wife, mother, grandmother and lifetime Monroe County resident. She can be reached at 7.noniez@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Rita's Reflections: The Hunter & His Missus (Part 2)