River Valley Writers announces workshop, How to Increase Book Sales

Sep. 4—Golden Pen award-winning author, Mary McFarland, will present at the Sept. 06, 2022 meeting of the River Valley Writers (RVW). The topic will be "How to Increase Book Sales." The meeting will be held at the Portsmouth Public Library, 1220 Gallia St., Portsmouth, Ohio, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

The session is designed for writers of all levels and includes "how to" information about identifying the root cause of declining book sales on Amazon, plus tips on how to use a marketing calendar to turn sales around. No registration is required. The meeting is open to the public on a first-come, first-serve basis. The session is free.

McFarland says, "Authors spend tons of money to get their books on Amazon, so figuring out why sales are declining, and how to increase sales, is critical to furthering careers."

Aspiring and published authors alike will enjoy McFarland's workshop on the basics of the "marketing side" of the Amazon book launch, and how it affects increasing or declining sales. The workshop offers a free marketing calendar template and a list of resources.

RVW brings writers and readers together in a supportive network at the Portsmouth Public Library, serving Scioto County and the southern Ohio community. For more information, visit RVW's Web site at https:www.meetup.com/River-Valley-Writers/events/248551776/