Robert Dudley named grand marshal of 2022 Suffield Memorial Day parade

Capt. Robert Dudley
Capt. Robert Dudley

The Suffield League has tapped Robert Dudley as the 2022 grand marshal for the Annual Memorial Day Parade.

Robert ”Bob” Dudley has contributed to the Suffield community for more than 50 years. He is still on the roster of the Suffield Fire Department with 52 years of service. He achieved the rank of captain. During this time, he has been awarded many honors/awards, including many state service awards.

In March, he was honored by the State Fire Marshal and Division of EMS with the Ohio Fire Service Distinguished Service Award

He was named Ohio EMS Provider of the Year in 2018 by the Ohio Fire Service Hall of Fame.

Bob and his wife, Barbara, who died in 2019, have four children: Rob and Jennifer Dudley, Brenda and Ron Wagner, Brian and Jillian Dudley and Brad Dudley. He has nine grandchildren and one great granddaughter.

All of his children have followed in his footsteps at one time or another by volunteering at the Suffield Fire Department. His wife, Barbara, was he first Ppresident of the Ladies Auxiliary. He said the highlight of his career was being able to work with his family.

Although semi-retired, Bob still returns to the fire station to assist with training and to pass on his life experiences and wisdom while providing encouragement to the staff.

Fire Chief Robert Rasnick commends Bob on his knowledge and appreciates his help with new member training. Bob is a great leader and teacher and is proud of his many service awards.

Line up for the parade is 10 a.m. May 30 at the corner of Waterloo and Congress Lake Road with the parade stepping off at 11 a.m. This is a new time for the prade. A service will follow at Suffield Elementary School.

This article originally appeared on Record-Courier: Robert Dudley to lead 2022 Suffield Memorial Day parade