Robert Mueller Reveals How He May Use Trump’s Tweets Against Him In Wednesday George Papadopoulos Court Brief

Robert Mueller Turns George Papadopoulos Tweets Against Him, Possible Preview Of How Trump Tweets Will Be Used
Robert Mueller Turns George Papadopoulos Tweets Against Him, Possible Preview Of How Trump Tweets Will Be Used

In a seven-page court document filed Wednesday morning, Russia investigation special counsel Robert Mueller sent a clear message that if the targets of his investigation post messages on Twitter, those tweets will come back to haunt them because Mueller’s team is monitoring their Twitter feeds. That message that could spell danger for Donald Trump who has, experts say, posted numerous tweets that could incriminate him, as the Washington Post has documented.

Mueller’s filing Wednesday was a response to an earlier motion by former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, as Buzzfeed News reporter Zoe Tillman reported via Twitter. Papadopolous pled guilty last year to lying to the FBI in connection with the Russia investigation and is scheduled to start serving a 14-day sentence on Monday, November 26. The short sentence resulted from a plea deal the now-31-year-old Papadopoulos struck with Mueller in which he agreed to cooperate with the Russia probe.

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