Robert Swartz is running for School Committee seat in Gardner election

Why are you running to serve another term on the school committee?

When I retired from the National Guard, I realized I had open available time on my calendar. I approached Mayor Manca and asked if I could serve the city in some capacity. He appointed me to serve on the building committee for the Middle School. The building committee selected me as a co-chair to the committee. The city council also appointed me as a special procurement officer for all contracts and purchases for the new project. While serving on the building committee a school committee member resigned and I applied for the position to serve the remainder of that person’s term. After serving I decided to run for office, and I was elected for two terms. I had a ten-year break, and I was approached to run for office again so I could use my expertise and knowledge of school committee operations. I am running again as I find working on the committee and various sub-committees very fulfilling. The Gardner school district provides many opportunities for our young students. With my years of dedication and experience I humbly ask the voters for their continued support on October 10th and November 7th.

What do you see as the main challenge facing the district, and is your plan to address it?

First, I need to clarify how the committee works. An individual member cannot enact plans or courses of action, it must be done as a team. Each member has only one vote and the sum of the votes enacts an action. Challenges in the district are more than one. I see a significant challenge every year in receiving adequate funding from the state and city to adequately fund our education programs. There is a staff member whose sole purpose is to seek grants to fund many of our special educational programs. That staff member has been very successful and needs to continue to be successful. The middle school is over twenty-five years old and needs a new roof. That funding would come from the School Building Authority. Currently the SBA Emergency funding program has been shut down due to a lack of funding. I (we) would petition our regional legislators to fund the program so the SBA can get back into the emergency repair business. Our high school is over fifty years old, and we should begin discussions on what to do about the high school. That discussion ought to begin when the city has paid off our new elementary school.

What should the SC do to get the parents involved in the districts decision-making process?

Parents need to become familiar with the committee published agenda that is published prior to each meeting and available on the school and city’s website. Items of interest can be brought to the committee’s attention during the public comment period at the beginning of each meeting or to write to the school committee to let us know of a person’s concerns. Everyone is welcome to our meetings and observe. I sense that parents need to know more about their rights as parents and the rights of their children as students. Holding seminars for the parents as to what their rights are could be an option. If personal presence is not a parents’ desire, then view committee meetings on our Gardner Educational Television channel 8. If someone has a question or concern, contact the Superintendent’s office or a committee member for clarification. Parental involvement also includes joining a school parent council. Each school has a council.

How will you measure the success of your tenure if elected?

This is difficult to determine as an individual, but as a team we are to ensure that we have the right administrators in the central office and in each school. As mentioned above, to ensure there is adequate funding to support the many educational programs, support and pay the teachers and staff. Continue to apply for and successfully receive grant funding to support many of our special programs.

What is your pitch to voters on why they should elect you?

Over the several terms I have been elected to serve, I have and continue to be dedicated to the responsibilities of my office. I have brought consistency in attendance in all meetings. I am always fully prepared to discuss meeting agenda items. I am a firm believer in professional development, and I am always learning about how the educational system continues to evolve. I have attended every Massachusetts Association of School Committee’s annual convention since I became an elected official. I also attend the MASC divisional meetings and developmental training provided throughout the state. I ask the voters of Gardner to elect me as a member of the Gardner School Committee.

This article originally appeared on Gardner News: Gardner School Committee election: Robert Swartz