Robot dog steals the show at a French tech fair

A robotic dog stole the limelight at a security trade fair near Paris

Location: Villepinte, France

(SOUNDBITE) (English) GHOST ROBOTICS SPECIAL PROJECTS HEAD, TOM JACOBS, SAYING: "This is the Ghost Robotics Vision 60, it is an unmanned quadruped robot. It is used for security, patrolling, defense – anything you need to put a sensor on top, and get to difficult terrain, it can go there, it can walk for three hours on one battery."

The Milipol defense and security trade fair takes place every two years

and showcases technological innovations in defense and security equipment

The robotic dog was built for reconnaissance

(SOUNDBITE) (English) GHOST ROBOTICS SPECIAL PROJECTS HEAD, TOM JACOBS, SAYING: "It really can be used to save lives, so in dangerous situations where you need to enter a building and there's an unknown threat in the building, better to put the robot in to go first, to inspect and do some reconnaissance, check out the situation, declare it safe, either from enemy combatants, or from gas or smoke detection viewpoint as well."

Ghost Robotics says the dog costs under $1 million