Rock on!

Jun. 25—SCIOTOVILLE — RockOn!is the title of the event that Mia Caldwell the 2021 Miss River Days Contestant representing Sciotoville Community Schools (East) is holding next Saturday, July 3, at the East High School Gym in Sciotoville from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.

The title is catchy and the reason for this choice is that at the event they will be painting rocks, putting positive quotes on them, and distributing them throughout the Sciotoville Community. Anybody from the community that wants to come and join is more than welcome, but right now it is mainly targeted at the youth of the community to help them see that a positive impact can help promote change in the community.

Everyone that shows up, is more than welcome to paint rocks. Caldwell shared that after the guest speakers, they will be setting up their blessing box and if someone wants to leave, they are more than welcome to do so. However, Caldwell plans to take them out in the community to place the rocks.

The speakers for this event are Jodi Conkel, from Scioto County Sheriff's Department, Andy Daws from the Portsmouth Police Department and Shane Tieman, the Scioto County Prosecutor. Some of the things that they are going to be talking about is the importance of keeping the community clean and safe and some may be talking about what happens to the community when you residents choose to just let it go.

The 2021 River Days candidates will also be in attendance. Caldwell said that they will be clear coating the rocks before the event and then they will be ready for painting. After they do their painting, they will spray them down with the adhesive to make sure the paint sticks. It is then when she will be having her speakers present.

Her grandfather, Michael McCallister, will also be setting up his food booth and all those proceeds will go to the Sciotoville Preservation Society, where they hope to get a new sign, a new welcome sign. McCallister owns what Caldwell said is her family's business, Smokin' M.D. Barbecue.

Caldwell talked about why community is so important to her.

"I really want to just push the importance of taking an active role in your community and keeping it safe and clean. This is something that is really important to me as time goes on," Caldwell said. "At this point, it may come down to whether I get a crown or title, but right now, it is all about my community. It is something that is very important to me and I get emotional about it. I want the people in my community to realize this is something that is necessary and it can make a big impact on how we are affected and how we are perceived."

Caldwell's Platform this year for River Days is 'Turn your Compassion into Action, Volunteer!' She said it is important to volunteer, whether it is going out to clean or even donating something to local businesses trying to help people in need. She said she is trying to make it positive and let the youth of the community know that it is not something they should dread doing, but should have fun doing it.

Reach Kimberly Jenkins (740)353-3101 ext. 1928

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