What do Rock Hill area school employees get paid each year? Take a look

School district salaries for those employees whose total compensation is $50,000 or more.

Helpful Hints

This databases contains the names, positions and salaries of employees from public school districts in Chester, Clover, Fort Mill, Lancaster, Rock Hill and York making $50,000 or more a year in base salary, which was provided to McClatchy upon request.

Generally, salaries of employees earning less than $50,000 a year are available in $4,000 ranges directly from the school district.

Private schools are not required to publicly release information about employee salaries.

Why do we publish this data? A majority of agencies, commissions and other entities contained in this database pay employees through state or local appropriations. Some receive no tax money and operate by generating their own revenue. They are included here because they were established to serve the public interest, were started with public money and their payrolls are part of the public record.

Search tips: To search by name, type in all or part of a name. (Example: “presley” or “pres” or “elvis”.) You can also limit your search by entering a position title. Note that results are returned in 1000-record increments but all records matching your search terms will be available. To reduce the number of results pages, keep your search parameters specific (for example, limit results to certain districts or, for large districts, to both district and name).

How old is the data and where does it come from? McClatchy obtains the data through S.C. Freedom of Information Act requests. The records were received over a period of time, stretching from April to May 2021.