Roger Federer Is Giving Free Tennis Lessons in Quarantine

From Men's Health

With plenty of time on our hands as quarantine shutdown continues, many of us are stepping up our home fitness game or working on new skills and hobbies. If you're a keen would-be tennis player, now might not seem like the ideal time to practice; ideally a partner is needed. But Swiss tennis pro Roger Federer is proving that you can make the most of this downtime to work on your technique.

In addition to donating more than $1 million to families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland, the Grand Slam champion has been keeping himself occupied by offering his services as a tennis coach on Twitter. Federer, who has been posting videos of himself practicing trick-shots while self-isolating, shared a clip yesterday in which he demonstrated a solo drill that players can try themselves at home.

Federer encouraged his followers to reply with clips of their own drills; and they did, in their droves. Tennis fans from all around the world posted videos of themselves attempting the challenge in their own homes, many of whom sported hats of their own in response to Federer's jaunty Panama.

He has spent the last 24 hours providing helpful feedback to a number of them on his timeline, including supportive commentary on their form and their hat game.

He's not sparing with his praise, either. The Olympic gold medalist called out some fans' technique as "epic" and "rock solid," provided constructive criticism and hints where needed, and most importantly, offered encouragement to keep up the good work.

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