Roger Stone arrested: Read the full indictment as FBI charges former Trump adviser

Roger Stone Jr, the US president’s former adviser, has been arrested as part of the special counsel's investigation into the Trump campaign and its links to Russia.

The FBI has charged Mr Stone on seven counts, involving witness tampering, obstruction and false statements about his interactions related to the release by WikiLeaks of hacked Democratic emails during the 2016 presidential election.

Mr Stone was arrested on Friday in Florida after being indicted on Thursday. He is due to appear in court later on Friday.

Read the full indictment here, which includes a threat from Mr Stone to “take that dog away from you,” in reference to unnamed Person 2’s dog, and a Godfather Part II reference.

Stone Indictment 012419 by Olivia Alabaster on Scribd

The indictment brought by Robert Mueller, the special counsel, does not accuse Mr Stone of co-ordinating with the Russian government's election interference in 2016, the key matter under investigation in the probe, but it lays out in detail Mr Stone's conversations about stolen Democratic emails posted by WikiLeaks in the weeks before the election.