Ronald Brownstein Honored with PODER Award for Excellence in Media

National Journal editorial director Ronald Brownstein was honored last night at the PODER Business Awards, celebrating excellence and leadership in the Americas. Brownstein was presented the Excellence in Media Award for his penetrating analyses of the demographic changes sweeping America and the impact they will have on U.S. politics and policy.

In an election year that was dramatically shaped by the dramatic growth of Hispanic political influence, Brownstein's journalism has proved markedly prescient. From his 2010 piece, "The Brown and the Gray," which outlined the coming generational confrontation between nonwhite young voters and older white voters, to August 2012's "The Hidden History of the American Electorate," which accurately predicted the demographic formula of the election, Brownstein has been the leader on insight into the new America. In another August piece on the math of the 2012 electorate, he explained that President Obama's path to victory would require 80% of the minority vote and 40% of the white vote. On Election Night, Obama won 80% of the minority vote and 39% of the white vote.

Brownstein also leads National Journal's The Next America project, dedicated to pathbreaking coverage of how demographic shifts are changing the American landscape.

The PODER Business Awards celebrate excellence and leadership in the Americas by recognizing those men and women who have demonstrated remarkable strategy, vision and execution in their respective businesses and organizations. The awards are sponsored by PODER Magazine, the premier publication for the business elite focusing on U.S. Hispanic and Latin American policy-making and corporate strategy, and the America's Business Council (abc*) Foundation, a nonprofit organization that identifies and supports high-impact leaders and initiatives in the Americas.

Brownstein received his award last night at a ceremony in Miami hosted by CNN's John King. More information about the PODER Awards and the other 2012 award recipients can be found at