Ronan Farrow Speaks Out About 'Catch And Kill'


Ronan Farrow Threw Birthday Pajama Party With Harvey Weinstein Alleged Victim

Farrow On the Road

Ronan Farrow's on a book tour to promote the release of "Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy To Protect Predators," and spoke with Rolling Stone about it recently.

Lauer, Weinstein, 'Enquirer' Fair Game

The book covers a lot of ground: the allegations of rape and sexual assault against former NBC Today host Matt Lauer; Farrow's coverage of the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations and the ensuing #MeToo movement; efforts by NBC and other organizations to suppress Farrow's reporting; the "catch and kill" method The National Enquirer employed to bury damning stories against its CEO, David Pecker; and lots more.

Rose McGowan Also Discussed

Farrow also spoke with Rolling Stone about NBC and its attempt to silence Rose McGowan, who accused Weinstein of sexual assault. NBC called her "crazy," a comment Farrow says is “the oldest trick in the misogynistic playbook."

'Dead-On Accurate'

Farrow says McGowan was "dead-on accurate" in her claims about Weinstein's abusive behavior:

“One of the points that I try to make in those conversations at the time is that a person’s level of stability and kind of the vibe that they give off is separate from your ability as a reporter to interrogate the truth of their claims."

“And Rose McGowan turned out to be dead-on accurate about the things she suspected. I think Rose McGowan was a lot more on point in her assessments than the wider culture in some cases.”

What Did They Know and When Did They Know It?

Farrow also brings up Meryl Streep and her knowledge, or lack of knowledge, about Weinstein's activities.

He says while there is “no evidence that she knew more than she said, and I have no reason to doubt that claim, there’s knowing and then there’s knowing."

Streep stands by her 2017 statement, saying “One thing can be clarified: not everyone knew.”

Get the book to find out more of what was spilled.