Rosemount City Council fills vacancies left by one member’s election to mayor, another member’s resignation

The Rosemount City Council has filled two vacancies with the selection of new members Paul Theisen and Tami Klimpel.

The two city council seats opened up when former Councilmember Jeff Weisensel won his mayoral race and Councilmember Tammy Block chose to decline her position following an altercation outside her home between her son and someone she called a “political extremist.”

Sixteen residents applied for the positions, according to a city news release. City council members deliberated Jan. 18 and unanimously chose Theisen and Klimpel, said Lee Stoffel, communications coordinator for the City of Rosemount.

“We appreciate everyone who applied and encouraged them all to stay engaged by considering joining a city commission,” City Administrator Logan Martin said in a release.

Theisen, who will fill the two-year remainder of Weisensel’s council term, currently works as a business engagement manager for Genetech. Theisen volunteers for Rosemount Area Athletic Association as a coach and board member, Rosemount Football Boosters and Rosemount Back Court Club, according to the city release.

Klimpel works as a director of marketing and product strategy for Minnwest Bank and has served in leadership roles for the Athletic Association, the Angel Foundation and Drake University Parent & Family Advisory Council. Klimpel is stepping into a temporary appointment until November, when a special election can be held for the full term of Block’s open position, per the press release.

“Our little hometown is in a major growth spurt,” Klimpel said. “Planful growth and appropriate development are important roles for city government.”

The new city council members will be sworn in on Feb. 7.

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