Rotary observes World Polio Day

Oct. 27—GREENSBURG — Monday, October 24, members of the Rotary Club of Greensburg participated in World Polio Day by offering a variety free beverages from 10 a.m. to noon at The Branch in downtown Greensburg.

World Polio Day is observed every year on October 24 to raise awareness about the polio vaccination and eradication of polio from every corner of the world. The day is observed to commemorate the progress made by the world towards polio eradication. The day highlights the efforts of the frontline workers who work to provide vaccines in polio-hit countries.

Rotary International has been working with health care organizations around the world for the past several years and is leading the way in ridding the planet of the debilitating disease.

At 12:10 p.m., Rotarians gathered in front of the local coffee house for the annual "This Close" group photo.

"This Close" indicates how close Rotary and its partners are to eradicating polio, although there has been a recent uptick around the world including in New York where the polio virus was recently found in a water system.

Greensburg Mayor Joshua Marsh joined the local Rotary Club and presented a proclamation designating October 24 as World Polio Day in Greensburg.