Rushville FFA dominates contest

Oct. 10—RUSHVILLE — Rushville FFA sent two teams to compete in the Livestock Skillathon Competition October 1 at Purdue University.

During the Livestock Evaluation Career Development Event (CDE), students work within teams to rank breeding and market classes of beef, sheep, and swine and give oral reasons to back up their decisions.

Students participating in this CDE make accurate and logical observations of livestock, decide on the desirable traits in marketing and breeding livestock, and select and market livestock that will satisfy consumer demands and provide increased economic returns to producers.

Both teams had a successful night with one placing second and 14th place. The second-placed team will continue on to a National Contest.

"Having the opportunity to be on the Livestock Skillathon Team was one of the best experiences," Ashleigh Spaeth said. "Having the privilege to be second in the state twice in a row was a reward for teamwork and many hours of studying. I wouldn't trade my time with these people for the world."

Livestock Skillathon allows students to communicate proficiently, interpret data, and work as a team — skills that translate into other career opportunities.

This CDE has helped blend the knowledge of agriculture with the communication skills of any job. Livestock Skillathon can ensure that the students can understand what makes a good market or breeding beef, sheep, or swine with valuable knowledge for the decisions every livestock producer has to make.

"Livestock Skillathon was an awesome experience," Jade Edwards said. "Being able to compete in a competition that encompassed a variety of subjects within agriculture was a great opportunity for me."

Livestock Skillathon is one of many CDEs available within the Rushville FFA Chapter.

Rushville FFA has 116 members. They are proud to uphold the traditions of the National FFA, which is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success.

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