Russia conducts widespread airstrike before Victory Day

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko stands in front of an apartment building damaged by a drone that was shot down during a Russian overnight strike, amid Russia’s attack, in Kyiv, Ukraine, Monday, May 8, 2023.
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In an air raid against Ukraine on Monday, Russia used drones, mortars, surface-to-air missiles, tanks, rocket launchers and warplanes to target more than 100 different locations in the north, east and south of the country, reported The Associated Press.

The total amount of damage done by the airstrikes is still uncertain at this time.

Here’s what we know so far:

  • At least 35 drones — a little more than half of the 60 total drones launched early Monday — targeted the capital city of Kyiv and injured five people, per AP.

Kyiv’s mayor, Vitali Klitschko, told Reuters that Ukraine had successfully shot down all the drones that were a part of the attack. Still, debris hit the capital, damaging apartments and other buildings, he said. One of the airports was also hit by drone wreckage causing damage but no fire or injuries were reported.

  • Elsewhere in the country in Odesa — close to the Black Sea — a food warehouse was set on fire by eight Russian missiles, reported the Guardian. Three people were injured, but no casualties were reported, per Reuters.

  • In the south of Ukraine, eight were wounded by the airstrikes in Kherson, including a nine-year-old boy, reported France 24. Two more injured were reported on the outskirts of the city in Antonivka.

  • Six more civilians in Stanislav were wounded, per France 24.

  • Launched missiles were directed at the eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk during the night, where they struck the city’s industrial zone and resulted in no casualties, per AP News.

  • The attack comes the day before Russia’s large secular holiday on May 9 called “Victory Day,” which celebrates the defeat of Nazism in Europe — the rest of Europe celebrates the victory on May 8.
