Russia should repeal laws targeting LGBTQ people - UN

STORY: Shamdasani also added that the lack of clarity around the court's definition of LGBTQ movement left the law open to abuse.

The Russian ruling against what it called "the international LGBT social movement" is part of series of increasing restrictions on expressions of sexual orientation and gender identity in the country.

Russia, whose authorities have promoted an image of the country as a guardian of traditional values in contrast with a decadent West, has already outlawed the promotion of "non-traditional" sexual relations and banned legal or medical changes of gender.

Homosexuality in Russia was a criminal offence until 1993, and classified as a mental illness until 1999.

Since 2013, Russia has criminalized what it calls the "propaganda" of non-traditional sexual orientations to children.

Last year, that law was expanded to criminalize any action considered an attempt to promote homosexuality in public, online or in movies, books or advertising.